Tenacity is the act of being
tenacious: 1(a) not easily pulled apart; 2(a) persistent in maintaining, adhering to, or seeking something valued or desired.
I am sometimes referred to as being "high maintenance" or "persnickety." As I reflected on this (trying to decide if I should be offended or these are qualities I need to change), I decided that a kinder, gentler way to "labeling" these traits (and thereby not requiring me to change - maybe) is that I sometimes exhibit "tenacity."
Recently in a message, the speaker referred to Jacob as being tenacious. Jacob was blessed and eventually God called him Israel and his sons became the 12 tribes of Israel. But without Jacob's tenacity, this would never have occurred.
In Genesis 29, we learn that Jacob, son of Isaac, is sent to his uncle. There, he falls in love with his cousin Rachel (yeah, OOOOh, but I guess it wasn't so bad back then). Jacob asks his uncle what it would take to make Rachel his wife and they agree that Jacob should work for 7 years as wages. "So Jacob served seven years for Rachel and they seemed to him but a few days because of his love for her." Gen 29:20. Aww - isn't that sweet and...tenacious.
But it didn't end there - as you read through the story, you find that Rachel's womb was barren, it seemed she wouldn't be able to give Jacob any children. This was bad news because her sister, Leah (whom Jacob was tricked into sleeping with - it's twisted - and a good read so check it out) gave Jacob a number of boys. Long story short, Rachel eventually bore him a son, along with Leah and their maidservants, and the 12 tribes of Israel were created. All the while, Rachel's father continually changed the "wages" that Jacob paid to make his family his own, and Jacob continued to pay.
There is much more to this story showing Jacob's tenacity and his obedience to God, but you will have to read for yourself. Can you imagine working and waiting 7 years for the love of your life? That alone shows an incredible commitment and sacrifice! Are we that committed to anything in the 21st century that we are willing to pay such a price - do we have this kind of tenacity?
While I "stick to my guns" on some issues and exhibit tenacity (whether right or wrong), I am challenged to weigh those issues against God's desire for me in His service. Sometimes being "persnickety" (i.e. tenacious) is necessary so that the ministry at Sanctuary honors Him and serves His people. Sometimes it is appropriate in raising my son and in developing strong personal relationships. Sometimes, I am just being high maintenance. What about you - are you tenacious for the right reasons?