Monday, February 28, 2011

We Serve a God!

Each Sunday, we pull all of the people who serve on the Host Team at Owasso together for a team huddle.  This Sunday we talked about Excellence - one of the Core Values at  We shared with the team two things:
Excellence is when PASSION meets PRECISION.  When you are passionate, you will seek out precision.
We don't work for a CHURCH, we serve a GOD!
At Owasso, we empty two tractor trailers and set up church in an elementary school every Saturday evening, then repack into the trailers every Sunday afternoon.  Sometimes we do this with 30 people, sometimes there are only 12 or 13 - but we get it done every single week.  And everyone involved is passionate and we do it with precision.  Why?  Because we serve a GOD!  Some days go smoothly, some not so much.  This past Sunday, we had a list of "issues" to overcome - but we did - and we were passionate and strived for precision.  Why?  Because we serve a GOD!  Our Servant Leaders face all of the same life challenges as everyone else (and some have more than their fair share of difficulties), but they show up every weekend with passion, serving with precision.  Why?  Because we serve a GOD!

And not just a god - THE GOD!
And then ... we get to see God work - 13 people gave their lives to Christ this Sunday, 20 people baptized last week, with over 700 baptized throughout all of the campuses.  A grandmother was united with her grandchildren this past week.  A lady praying for financial help not only kept her job after 19 people were let go by her employer, but also received additional hours at work.  A father is granted his request for protection for his son when he visits his abusive mother, and the son's desire to be at church every time possible is bringing his father closer to God.  A family with special needs children is now able to go to church because servant leaders have stepped up to help her family - and now, they get to have a "date night" every Sunday evening because someone is willing to watch their children for free.  A couple driving by the church stopped and asked one of our Parkers what was going on - after finding out, they said they had been looking for a church and will be back. 

Marriages are being restored, family relationships strengthened, people are being healed.  People are praying for one another like I've never seen before. Children and adults alike are hearing about the saving grace of Jesus Christ - and they are responding.  You can feel the "agape" love when you walk through the doors.

We are passionate.  We are precise.  We don't work for a Church - we serve a GOD - THE GOD!

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Mornings and Nonsense

I am not a fan of getting up early.  I prefer sleeping the way God intended - until the sun comes up.  I believe that the enemy actually created the alarm clock, and we were eager to adopt the evil little thing so that we could "get more hours in the day."  Now if I could only convince the rest of the civilized world of my point of view.

When I have to get up earlier than usual, it messes with me in so many ways.  Besides being tired, it changes my routine.  My Bible reading time isn't quite the same, and definitely my blogging suffers.

So here's my blog - it's just a bunch of nonsense about mornings...Because I had to get up early this morning.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Lessons from Laser Tag

Our team works hard, and sometimes we get to play hard.  Yesterday we played laser tag together.  Now, I already knew this would be a challenge for me (I was a laser tag virgin before yesterday).  I've recently learned how to shoot a handgun at a target and did fairly well.  I also recently learned how to shoot a shotgun at a moving target - and let's just say I need more practice.  Since in laser tag, people move around, I had flashbacks of clay disks flying through the air and landing untouched by my shotgun shells.

I had every reason to be concerned - the first round, I was last, but my score did break 100.  The second round we paired up and thankfully I picked the best teammate; however, once again, my score was the worst - and this time, it was only 29.  Wow - if that doesn't make you feel like a loser!  Luckily for me, my teammate carried us and we WON!

Here's what I learned yesterday:

  • Never trust a little kid with a laser gun - they like following you around just so they can see the pretty lights go out every time they shoot you.
  • staff members are, by their very nature, competitive.  Which means you can't trust them either.  They like to hide in high places and seek you out.  I think some of them were military trained. 
  • Rules?  What rules?  Cover your laser pack with anything you can to keep from getting shot.
  • I am a jack of all trades but master of none - I can play, but there's no chance that I'll be mastering laser tag in this lifetime.
  • Scripture is true - I'm running out of time this morning, so I'll look up the scripture reference and post it later - but there's scripture about the least being first.  I had the worst score, but because I teamed up with the best player, we won first place.  This is true in life as well - team up with the best - Jesus Christ, and you will always win the race.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Corner of the Roof

Sometimes scripture just cracks me up.  Example:

"Better to live on a corner of the roof than share a house with a quarrelsome wife."  Proverbs 21:9
I don't know about you, but this automatically gives me a visual of a guy crouched in a fetal position on a high-pitched roof, rocking back and forth.

And another one:

"Better to live in a desert than with a quarrelsome and nagging wife." Proverbs 21:19
Visual here - guy walking through a dessert, clothes ripped and torn, lips parched, and head-to-toe sunburned.  Not as funny, unless you are twisted like me and visualize a guy who's definitely not the "survivor" type and who didn't pack any water, sack lunch, lip balm or sunscreen when he escaped the house.

Scripture can have humor...but after we smile, we need to consider God's meaning.  First and foremost - I don't believe God is directing anyone to hide on the roof or wander the desert because their spouse is argumentative.  Just the shear nature of having a relationship with another person is going to lead to quarrels - we're human and we all have opinions.  Sometimes those opinions differ, and an argument may ensue. 

What I believe scripture is telling us is simple - dont' argue for the sake of arguing.  While each of us has an opinion, we need to consider that our opinion is no more important (or even right) than another person's.  We must put others first...which includes our spouse.  How can there be any satisfaction out of a relationship full of constant quarreling and nagging?  Being right all of the time may bring some level of satisfaction, but it will eventually bring something else - loneliness (and likely ulcers)!

So, if you see your husband (or wife) dragging the ladder out of the garage to the roof after an argument, you may want to reconsider your position.  Instead of plotting how to hide the ladder after he's on the roof giving him no escape plan, make the decision to hold your tongue, think about your spouse's opinions, and swallow your pride.  Before engaging in a fight in the future...think of how much more satisfying it is to have a peaceful house. 

And as an added bonus, the neighbors will stop calling the police about the crazy guy sleeping on the roof.

Friday, February 18, 2011

It's Here - 18

Yep - it's here.  Josh turns 18 today.  I cleared the day and evening for him - And, it is obvious that I am way more excited than he is.  What's he doing right now?  Sleeping!  His gift and card are sitting in the living room, taunting me, all while Josh slumbers in his room.  Doesn't he know it's a big day for me too?  Just kidding (okay, not really)!

Here are a few attributes that make Josh so special:

  • Emerald green eyes.
  • Thick hair (I prayed for his hair before he was born - genetics called for extremely thin and receding hair - thank you God).
  • Incredible smile.
  • Quick wit.
  • Teases me mercilessly.
  • Can easily pick me up off the floor.
  • Gives the best hugs.
  • Can fix anything, whether or not he has the proper tools.
  • Very good shot.
  • Excellent bass fisherman.
  • Appreciates the outdoors.
  • Protective.
  • Loyal to his friends and family.
  • Kind.
  • Genuine.
  • Truthful.
  • Loves God.
  • Loves his family.
Eighteen years have passed and I'm certain there are many more ahead.  While I am excited about Josh's history, I am far more excited about his future.  He has incredible potential, and the opportunities are endless.  I can hardly wait to see God's plans, and how they unfold.

So, if you see him at the Bixby Chick-Fil-A in the near future, wish him a Happy Birthday.  But please, don't tell him his mom asked you to - he's still embarrassed by me.  At what age does THAT end?

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Reflections - Day 4 - Almost Here

Seventeen - in a few short hours, will become 18.  At 12:00, Josh becomes a man because of a number.  Tomorrow morning, at little after 10:00, it will have been 18 years since I gave birth to a perfect little boy.  6570 days of life.  Just numbers...but they measure a part of history.  Here are a few numbers I remember:

7 lb 8 oz

1st step
1st word
1st time he walked away from me in a store
1st bike
1st day of school
1st jump out of a barn hay loft
1st trip to the hospital for jumping out of the barn hay loft

13 years of school so far
1 night school
2 car accidents
1 speeding ticket
1 job

18 years of making me proud.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Reflections - Day 3

Two more days and Josh will be 18.  Today, God is reminding me of several scriptures which I have spoken to Josh and prayed over him countless times:

"Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old, he will not depart from it." Proverbs 22:6 (KJV)
"For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11 (NIV)
"Commit to the LORD whatever you do, and he will establish your plans." Proverbs 16:3 (NIV)
As a mother, I want the best for my child, and the best is what God wants - God's plans for Josh's life.  So I began praying these scriptures early in his life.

At 18, Josh doesn't have the slightest clue what his future looks like.  His plans currently consist of saving for a newer truck, applying for college, and finishing high school.  Overall, short-term goals that will move him toward long-term results.  But God has plans - BIG plans - lifelong plans - for Josh. 

As his mother, my largest responsibilities have been to teach him about God, lead him to understand his personal savior in Jesus Christ, to love people, to understand grace and to have faith.  (Also teach him how to cook, do laundry, clean his bathroom, etc. - his future wife will thank me - but I digress).  In short, establish his beliefs and lay the moral and ethical foundation upon which the rest of his life will be built.

I pray that I have trained Josh up in the way that he should go, so that in the end, Josh will not depart from it.  God has promised that if I do my part, He will do the rest.  Josh's plans are already established - and I can hardly wait to see what they are.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Reflections - Day 2

Today's reflection is on adventure.  Joshua is adventurous, yet practical - truly a mirror reflection of me who is practical with a sense of adventure.  I sometimes wish I were adventurous first, and thankfully as I get older my sense of adventure is becoming more prevalent.  Maybe it's true that you revert back to your childhood tendencies as you age.

When Josh was growing up we had all the toys - a boat, Sky Ski, 4-wheelers, go-cart.  Josh particularly enjoyed the 4-wheelers.  He had a mini-Raptor and we would take him and his buddy Kyle out to Appalachia Bay and other places so he could ride.  He loved it! He was in his element when all four wheels were off the ground.  That's my boy!

As I reflect, I remember often being nervous as I watched him jump his mini-Raptor, or as he learned to BMX and did tricks in the air.  Nervous wasn't the word - it was more like terrified.  Fear of him getting hurt was sometimes overwhelming.  Fear is natural for a mother whose instinct is to protect her young, but I realize now that fear sometimes kept me from understanding the joy he was feeling as he was flying through the air. 

As time passed, Josh's practical side appeared - partly because that's who he is and partly because of our experiences.  But his sense of adventure is still there. He has graduated to a 4-wheel drive truck instead of an ATV, and this winter it found itself parked on top of several snow drifts.  But at the same time, he is aware of his responsibilities as a student, an employee, a son, and a child of God.

I pray that I will always nurture that sense of adventure.  The foundation has been poured, he is becoming a responsible citizen.  But every once in awhile, I want him to experience the joy of four wheels off the ground.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Reflections of a Mother

My son Joshua turns 18 this week.  As the calendar turns from Thursday to Friday, Josh's status changes in the eyes of the law.  He will be able to legally sign a contract, his insurance premium is reduced, and he can purchase his own shotgun ammunition without me.  Many opportunities open up to him starting Friday. 

And the reality hit me this morning - my boy will become a man.  Bittersweet, bittersweet indeed.

This week will be dedicated to reflecting on the journey of raising him so far, and the dreams for his future.

Like many mothers, when Josh was born I had an idealistic opinion of what it meant to be a mother, and to have a family.  He was, of course, perfect!  I was infatuated with his fingers and toes - that God could knit together something so perfect and give it life was absolutely amazing to me!

Reality of providing for, and caring for another human being set in fairly quickly.  But I was up for the task.  Throughout these past 18 years, my survival instinct has had to kick in a number of times, and so it did shortly after Josh was born.  The story is long and sorted, but suffice it to say I was willing (although I can't say I felt ready) to do anything and everything to provide for this child.

So many firsts - smile, steps, Christmas, birthday, word - I remember them all, and each brought joy to my heart that I had never felt before.  God provided me with a child - a son - and it was good.

I am in love with him more today than I was on the day he was first born.  I thank my God that He cared enough to send Josh into this world, to give me the honor of raising him, for protecting him in the past and future, and for creating such a sweet, caring heart who loves me and loves the God who created him.

And for those of you who are wondering - no, I'm not old enough to have an 18 year old child - maybe YOUR calendar says I am, but my calendar stopped about 10 years ago.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Abraham - Cliff Notes Version

I was in high school when I discovered Cliff Notes.  I liked to read, but was a little rebellious when it came to assigned reading.  Cliff Notes were the answer!  Of course, a good set of Cliff Notes would leave me wanting more - and often I would go back and read the actual book anyway.

While reading Acts 7 today, it struck me that this was Stephen's "Cliff Notes" version of Christian history, beginning with Abraham all of the way up to Stephen himself.  It's clear, concise and reflects the full essence of God himself.

And I feel like I graduated successfully - this time, I've actually read the full transcript before the Cliff Notes, which made Stephen's account even more interesting.  My high school teachers would be proud!

So, if you haven't tackled the Old Testament, check out Acts 7. It will leave you wanting more - be prepared, you'll want to read the book of Genesis!

Thursday, February 3, 2011


This week we experienced "snowmageddon," "snowpocalypse" whatever you want to call the blizzard that dropped between 14" and 21" of snow across the Tulsa metro area.  Because we are not used to this type of weather, we don't have the equipment to clear the roads - so, it means that we've been snowed in now for 3 days.  This has really messed with my routine!

Normally, I get up early, put on a pot of hot water for tea, brush my teeth then sit down to read my Bible.  After reading, I pray, then move to the computer to write whatever's on my mind in this blog.  Well, this week, my morning has been filled with watching news reports, checking emails and working from home.  I've allowed this disruption in my routine to distract me from the most important task...reading God's word!  I filled myself with so much worldy information, that I failed to seek the Father first!

I'm upset with myself because I really don't like disappointing God by not including Him first.  So this morning, I sought His face, read His word, and asked for forgiveness.  His word to me was sweet, He didn't hold back, even though I had for two full days.  Thank you Lord that you care enough to forgive me and still provide your guidance and love, even when I don't show it back!