Monday, June 13, 2011


I added a new devotion today Remembering All God Has Done to my reading.  It's a simple, 5-day devotion that highlights some of God's activities in history in an effort to cause us to reflect on His activities in our lives.

Today's reading in Joshua 4:1-24 was about how Joshua lead the Israelites acros the Jordan river - halting the river's flow so that the Israelites could cross on dry land.  God instructed Joshua to bring 12 stones, each representing the 12 tribes, with them.  Upon reaching the other side of the river, they were to place the 12 stones as a rememberance to God's faithfulness in leading the Israelites out of slavery and into freedom in the land promised to them many years prior.  There are so many elements of this story that are absolutely amazing - but today it helped me to think about my life - the pebbles, stones, and boulders of God's miraculous activity.

Like Joshua's history, mine is filled with so many God-movements that to tell them all would be a book, not a blog - so I'll spare you all of the details and do what I do so often - provide bullet points:

  • Salvation at age 11.
  • Church camp at age 14 in Chama, New Mexico (this is a funny story) - truly recognized the Holy Spirit for the first time.
  • Protected me from drugs although they were circling around me.
  • Birth of my son in 1993.
  • Recommitted my life in 2000.
  • Healed me completely from a catastrophic and life-threatening illness in 2005.
  • Delivered me into ministry as a vocation in 2005.
  • Allowed me to minister to hundreds upon hundreds of people for the past 6 years.
  • Given me daily breath, food, health, shelter, family and friends.
  • Daily wrapped His arms around me, gently guiding me to seek His best!
Today, I prayed a "sun stand still" prayer and as I did so, it brought a smile to my face.  I truly believe God will answer this prayer in the timing necessary.  And once He does, it will open up the rest of my life for what He has called me to do.  Stay tuned - we are walking across the river on dry ground and God is meeting on the other side!