Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Live to Be 150?

The other night there was a show on television about living to be 150 years old. Now, I know that Noah, Abraham, and many other Bible characters lived for hundreds of years, but seriously - in the 21st Century, who wants to live that long? As my body deteriorates, and my short-term memory gets shorter, how long do I really want to live on this earth? BTW - we heard a couple of statistics - if you're married more than 5 years, add 1 year to your life...if you're divorced, subtract 8 years. Now, who figured out those statistics?

As a Christian, I have the promise of an amazing eternity to look forward to! As far as I'm concerned - bring it on! (No, I'm not suicidal or asking to be hit by a bus - just comfortable with the fact that I know where I'm going when I'm gone.)

More important than how long I'm going to live is what am I doing in the days, years, even decades that I'm commissioned to this planet to make sure that others join me in eternity? So instead of spending my days figuring out how to live to be 150, I am focusing on what impact I can have in the current day I've been given. What about you? How long do you want to live and what do you want to do with your days?

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