Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Life - God Isn't Done With Me Yet

These last two weeks I have been a bad, bad blogger! Things have been crazy busy and I just haven't taken the time to write as much as I like. Please accept my apologies. Here's a rundown of what's been going on (yes, another list):

  • Life.

Okay, so it's not really a list...just a single bullet point. I could bore you with all of the details, but isn't your life busy too? I mean, really...you may not face all of the same challenges that I do, but I am certain that your list is at least as long as mine! See if you can relate: parenting (for me, being a single parent - does that count twice?), job, friends, life group, laundry, groceries, going to the gym, trying to fit in a hobby/fun activity, reading, writing/blogging, and...sleep! And that doesn't even count any extra responsibilities that find their way onto the calendar. Whew - I'm exhausted!

There are days when I would love to curl up in a ball under my covers and check out! But today, I was reminded by an amazing speaker Perry Noble, if I am still alive on this earth, God isn't done with me. So even though I'm busier than ever, and I pour myself into bed each night exhausted, I wake up each morning facing a new day with the anticipation that God has something amazing planned just for me. I still have to accomplish all of my responsibilities, but by reminding myself that God isn't done with me I am going to move into the "anticipation line," out of the "aggravation line" and do my best to fulfill His commission for my Life with a capital L.

Which line are you in - the anticipation line, or the aggravation line?


Christy said...

Hey Miss Robyn! Wonderful blog that you have going!! Well, I think I'm on the anticipation line.... I'm ready to see what God has in store for us next! He is so amazing that I can't wait to see what He will do.


Anonymous said...

Anticipation, definitely.