Saturday, March 14, 2009


Heard something on Grey's Anatomy quite awhile back that's been rattling in my brain - "Smooth rides are boring. Calamity, now that's worth talking about." I'm not asking for calamity by any stretch (and don't watch Grey's Anatomy for its life lessons), but on the other side of calamity, if we look really hard, we see God's grace.

Our lives are full of some level of calamity - if not, then are we truly living? It's funny how we can talk about all of the problems in our lives...the "calamity," but how many of us find it interesting to talk about God's grace once the darkness has ended? I'm not saying don't share with your friends and family when you are facing difficult times...I'm just saying be sure to share how God's grace filled your life as the darkness dissipated. Why not add a little more passion to God's deliverance and a little less drama to the calamity? To coin a common phrase lately: "just sayin'."

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