What does the saying "I heard from God" mean to you? What does it really mean when someone says "God spoke to me?" Well, there are numerous examples throughout the Bible. In Genesis, God actually took Abram outside of his tent to show him the stars in the sky. In Exodus, God appeared to Moses through the flames of a bush that miraculously caught on fire all by itself. In the New Testament, God chose to speak to us through His Son, Jesus Christ. At Pentacost, God sent His Holy Spirit to intercede for us and become our own personal counselor for God. God has spoken in many different ways throughout time, and continues to do so today.
A friend of mine said to me just this morning that he longs for the days when God was more tangible - he doesn't feel like he's been "hearing" from God like he has in the past. Do you ever feel that way? Do you feel like you've never heard from God, or that he's giving you the silent treatment lately?
I'm wondering - is it because He's not speaking that we don't "hear" Him, or is it actually because we aren't listening?
Not too long ago I went through a period of time where I just didn't seem to hear from God - I felt like I was truly in a dessert, all alone, asking - no begging to be lead out of the dessert and back to the promised land, but nothing. Life continued to happen around me and I continued to participate, but I felt like God wasn't listening because he wasn't speaking back.
As I look back at that not-to-terribly distant past, I realize God was speaking, I just wasn't listening. Wandering around in the dessert, He continued to send me "manna from heaven" - He continued to feed me, provide for me and protect me. He continued to remind me that He will never leave me nor forsake me. But I was so focused on some ground-breaking, burning-bush message that I didn't listen to what He was truly trying to tell me.
Here's the message...are you ready?
"Be patient. Seek. Listen. I am tangible. My message is valuable. Listen and you will hear it. And when the time comes, I will move in a way that is unmistakeably me."When we think God isn't speaking, maybe we should focus more on listening. Pay attention to everything going on around us. Watch for the little things. And as we ask for the bigger things - continue to do so in boldness that He will deliver - but be patient...and listen.
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