Wednesday, November 18, 2009


This post is short and sweet - My top strength is Futuristic - meaning that when working within my passions, I tend to be looking ahead - often by months or even years. While I have a "gift" of administration and working in the details, one of my passions is evaluating trends, studying culture and planning for the future.

Lately it seems that there is so much to do that my ability to be a futurist is compromised. I'm being stretched by working in the daily details, and not having the opportunity to plan for the future. It is a stretching exercise for sure. An exercise I'm willing to endure, but I'm also ready to get "back to the future."

Saturday, October 10, 2009


Our Senior Pastor, Craig Groeschel recently said “I love that your passion is greater than your gifts.” He said this to an audience of nearly 500 staff, spouses and network church leaders. In the "church world," we put so much stock in our spiritual gifts - but without passion, the gifts can never realize their full potential.

The staff and Servant Leaders of Owasso have a passion, a mission – a “grand dream”– to lead people to become fully-devoted followers of Christ. We press towards that dream every day.

“Grand dreams don’t become significant realities through the actions of a single person.” The Leadership Challenge

It takes more than one person to realize this dream – and together, we are an unstoppable team of passionate dreamers, ready to conquer the world, one small task at a time, for Christ.

Are you serving with your passion so that God’s dream can be realized!

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Coincidence? I Think Not.

This weekend the message at was all about losing your faith. Very powerful, extremely timely, and resulted in 7 salvations at the Owasso campus and 88 recommitments! Praise God. That's remarkable enough...but there's more to this blog.

Sunday afternoon I witnessed my Dad being ordained as a deacon at New Heart Fellowship. This was a very special time, and I will blog about it later so it gets the attention it deserves. But after the ordination ceremony, we went for ice cream and my Dad shared about the church services that morning. He said that instead of preaching the message that was prepared, the pastor felt strongly that he needed to challenge everyone about their faith and knew that there were a number of people attending who needed to begin a relationshp with Christ that very day. Of course, every altar call has urgency included - and rightfully so! But this day was different, and Pastor Charlie wasn't going to let it go. The result - an hour of worship, praying, crying and numerous people committing and recommitting their lives! Praise God! And again - remarkable - but there's more to this blog.

What struck me is how eerily similar the message at and at New Heart Fellowship were. Two churches who believe in the same God and in the resurrection power of Jesus Christ who unknowingly preach the same message on the same day. What are the odds? Well, if I were a betting woman, I would be betting that God moved the same way in tens, hundreds or even thousands of his churches this week.

What does it mean? To me, it reinforces that time is short. Every minute that passes is one minute closer to Christ's return! We have an amazing opportunity to reach people that have never been reached...which also comes with a heavy responsibility.

Where is your faith? Are you living life as if YOU'RE in charge? Have you ever given it over to God? Or if you do believe in Christ, have you filed Him away in the box that reads "For Emergencies Only?" As you read this, you're one minute closer to knowing where you will spend eternity. If you're not sure, then read John 3:16 - "For God so loved the world that He gave His only son, that whoever believes in Him will not perish, but will have everlasting life." Believe His name now...commit that you're willing to open your heart to Him and seek His direction. me. I want to hear your story, and we have some resources that will help as you start your journey.

I'm so blessed to be a part of what God is doing! Trust me, He blows me away every single day with his magnificence!

Saturday, September 12, 2009


This weekend at my church, we start the series Five Easy Steps to Wreck Your Life - with the first topic being adultery. I can confidently say that adultery is one area that I will not give into...the reason I am confident is that I've had many opportunities.

When I was married, I was the target of several different men throughout the years. I was even once told by a married man that because I traveled as part of my job, I would eventually give into adultery because "everyone who travels does it." I was absolutely appalled! But that was his reality, and unfortunately, is a reality shared by many.

What causes a person to break the sacred commitment they made to their spouse, or to tempt someone else to break that commitment? I will go out on a limb and say that most people don't enter into a marriage expecting to cheat, but something happens and they give into temptation.

I've met with several people who are victims of adultery, and I have experienced it first hand myself. One thing I can say is that the enemy who is the father of lies sticks with things that work, and adultery is a well refined recipe. While I may never understand why a person steps across that line, what I do know is that through the redemptive blood of Jesus Christ, there can be healing.

There are many resources available for those affected by adulterous relationships, including a story written by a lady I admire greatly whose husband fathered a child with another woman, but yet today their marriage is one of the strongest I have ever seen. Her name is Cindy, and you can follow her story here.

Because I have experience with this sin in my own life and family, I try to be acutely aware of anything I do that may be a temptation. Our church does not allow married staff members to ride in a car or be alone with members of the opposite sex if either one of them is married. I take this a step farther and will not meet, even casually, with a married man without his wife or others present. This is not only for my protection, but also to protect the other person...I never want to be a stumbling block for someone else.

You cannot control others, but you can control your actions and inactions. Check your heart, check your actions and check your relationships. What are you doing to protect yourself from crossing that line?

Thursday, August 6, 2009

New Beginnings

Do you like new beginnings? Every single day starts a New Beginning - a new sunrise, new time with our friends and family, and a new opportunity to reach people for Christ. It may seem like the "same old, same old," but God gives us a chance every day to serve Him better than we did the day before.

"7 God keeps renewing the promise and setting the date as today...9 The promise of “arrival” and “rest” is still there for God’s people.10 God himself is at rest. And at the end of the journey we’ll surely rest with God.11 So let’s keep at it and eventually arrive at the place of rest, not drop out through some sort of disobedience.12 God means what he says. What he says goes. His powerful Word is sharp as a surgeon’s scalpel, cutting through everything, whether doubt or defense, laying us open to listen and obey." Hebrews 4:7,9-12 The Message

What are you going to do for Him today? Don't waste it - yesterday is gone forever, make today a New Beginning!

P.S. August 5th was a New Beginning for Ruby, my sister's 6th child. Congrats Sis and Welcome Ms Ruby!

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

What Have You Done for Me Lately?

Sounds selfish - if it were ME asking the question - but it's actually a question God is asking OF me. "What have YOU (Robyn) done for me (God) lately?" Umm...well...there's that time...

Shouldn't be hard to answer, right? After all, I'm "in the ministry." But there are days...even weeks...that, I'm embarrassed to say, I don't have a good answer. Sure, I jump through all the administrative hoops each week to make sure we're able to have church on Sunday. I lead a team of people to be hospitality, greeters and parkers at our campus (but really, THEY do all the work - and are AMAZING at it). I talk to people in the community about our church, it's culture and our mission of leading people to become fully-devoted followers of Christ. And all that I do for the Kingdom purpose...but His question is deeper than that.

Robyn - WHAT have YOU DONE personally for ME lately? The answer - not enough.

I haven't spent enough time reading His Word. I haven't spent enough time in prayer. I haven't spent enough time actually sharing what He means to me personally (not just "professionally"). I haven't been a good enough example of His love to my family, friends and team. I haven't done enough.

Next question: Robyn - what are you going to do about it?

Simple answer - Step Up, be accountable and quit making excuses! I can never do enough to repay Him for the life of Jesus Christ that was given for me...but I can (and must) step up and do more!

How about you - are you doing enough? What can you do to Step Up?

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Thoughts for the Day

"One day you will be called to answer to what you do with the gifts you've been given." Nancy Beach. What are your gifts, and what are you doing with them?

It's not a risk if we're using the gifts God gave us.

We are sometimes the people that stand in our own way.

If you are a leader, it should be because of your character, not your title.

Just some random thoughts that come from a day of opportunities.

Monday, May 4, 2009


What does the word "portable" mean to you? Remember the boom box? It was large and ran on "D" cell batteries, but you could take your radio anywhere (if you could muscle it up on your shoulder)! Then, in 1982 the Sony Discman was introduced and the bulky boom box was quickly replaced. Here we are in the 21st century and we have portable music players that hold thousands upon thousands of songs and fit in the palm of our hands. Who knew how quickly our entire world would become portable?

I am part of a "portable" church campus. Every week we unload 2 semi trailers full of equipment at an elementary school in Owasso, Oklahoma and set up an "experience room" (auditorium), 4 children's rooms and a large lobby. We transform the elementary school into a sleek, modern, technologically-advanced church...and then pack it all up to do it again the next week.

Besides the obvious challenges of set up and tear down, we face other "opportunities" like - How do we keep the atmosphere fresh and inviting when everything is locked up in trailers during the week? Where do we hold campus-wide events? How do we successfully launch children and youth programs during the week without a facility?

I call these challenges "opportunities" because that's what they are - opportunities for us to come up with alternative solutions. Opportunities for us to reach people outside of the traditional church building. Opportunities to stretch ourselves (and our volunteers) into areas that we never thought we could go. But above all else - Opportunities to truly rely on God's direction, because our minds are so small and so brainwashed to think that a church has to be filled with pews, red carpet and a steeple that without HIM we could never have even considered a portable church!

Portable Church - who'd have thought? God...of course!

Tuesday, April 21, 2009


Do you have friends that you haven't connected with in awhile? Do you ever say "I wonder what happened to..."? Recently I was thinking about my best friend from high school. Just as I was thinking of her, I received a Friend Request from her on Facebook. Obviously not a coincidence (especially since I don't believe in coincidences). I was so excited! We had been the best of friends, but with us both getting married, and then my move to Oklahoma, we lost contact.

As we began reconnecting, it was pretty uncanny how our lives seemed to compliment each other. She had planned to be a youth pastor, and while I spent many years "running" from the church, I wound up entering into ministry. We were both outdoors people, she much more athletic and coordinated than I, but our interests are quite similar.

I can't help but wonder what God is showing me through our reconnection. Obviously, I am thrilled to pick up our friendship where it left off - that goes without saying! But it wouldn't be like me to just leave it at that. Everyone who knows me recognizes that I have to evaluate the situation to look for God's hand. And true to form, He is revealing things to me through my friend - two things really: perseverance and steadfastness. My friend has persevered through some difficult times. And she has remained steadfast in her commitment to herself and to her family. Details aren't appropriate or even necessary - just know she is a Proverbs 31 woman.

"She sets about her work vigorously, her arms are strong for their tasks. She sees that her trading is profitable, and her lamp does not go out at night." Prov 31:17-18

I am pleased to get to know my friend again and can't wait to see what else God is going to reveal through her. Is there someone in your life that you've been thinking about? Why not search for them on Facebook...or better yet, pick up the phone?

Wednesday, April 15, 2009


My son came down with a fever last night. Not earth shattering. Not new to me as a mom. But, last night was different. At 16 yrs old, being sick is much different than at 6 yrs old. I'm not sure if I'm ready.

Six year old boys want attention - he would curl up in my lap while his daddy told him to "suck it up, son." He wanted someone to sit with him and watch cartoons, serve him juice and make all the sickness go away. He wanted to know that he was loved.

Sixteen year old boys want nothing to do with mom or anyone else. He knows mom can't make the sickness go away, but he also knows that mom will pray for healing. He still wants mom to serve him, but he's capable of getting it for himself in the middle of the night so as to allow mom to sleep. He watches Discovery or MTV, and certainly doesn't want mom watching it with him. He knows he is loved, and therefore, he is independent.

Sixteen years behind us and still a lifetime ahead. While I miss the lap-curling moments, I look forward to the milestones to come. Hard to let go of the 6 yr old, but I welcome the 16 yr old just the same.

Friday, April 3, 2009

Repentance, An Escape?

To become a true Christ follower, we must first start with recognizing and confessing our sins, making the conscious decision to turn away from them, and turn to the God of redemption through Jesus Christ our savior. In ministry life, these words flow off of the tongue quickly and easily, and often we walk away brushing our hands together knowing the angels rejoice because of another one saved. Well - the angels do rejoice, but is our job done?

In the 21st Century, churches are springing up all over the place for people who are disillusioned by their salvation experience, feeling they've been let down by their church. After all, once a person has gone through the above process, truly believing in Christ, isn't life supposed to be all glory and no pain? If our job in the ministry is to only preach the salvation message, then that's what people will believe. We absolutely must tell the rest of the story - and be prepared to support people through it all.

We must tell them that just because we turn away from our past, it doesn't mean that there is no remnant, no memory of it still remaining. As a parent we forgive our child who has disobeyed, once they say they are sorry and truly show remorse (sometimes combined with tear-filled puppy dog eyes), but there must still be consequences. And depending on the disobedient act, a painful memory may remain for the child as well as the parent. Repentance does not mean we escape our past, but it does give us permission to move forward.

Paul is a great example of someone who had to live with the consequences of his past. He spent a large part of his life persecuting Jesus and all those who believed in him. His salvation experience was remarkable and afterwards he pursued converting others to Christ with more zeal than he did persecuting Jesus. But Paul did not go without residue, without a constant reminder of his past - a thorn that taunted him day and night. He was continually reminded of what he had done against Jesus. God forgave Paul in the same way He forgives us.

I want to be clear - even though we cannot escape our past completely, the life we live as true followers of Jesus Christ is far better than our life before Him. With Jesus, there is hope, love and grace like we have never experienced before. And if that's not enough, then there is the knowledge that we will spend eternal life with Him in Heaven.

As Easter approaches and we celebrate the life, death and resurrection of Jesus, remember we owe it to those who choose Christ to support their entire life, not just their salvation experience.

Repentance does not mean we escape our past, but it does give us permission to move forward.

Saturday, March 14, 2009


Heard something on Grey's Anatomy quite awhile back that's been rattling in my brain - "Smooth rides are boring. Calamity, now that's worth talking about." I'm not asking for calamity by any stretch (and don't watch Grey's Anatomy for its life lessons), but on the other side of calamity, if we look really hard, we see God's grace.

Our lives are full of some level of calamity - if not, then are we truly living? It's funny how we can talk about all of the problems in our lives...the "calamity," but how many of us find it interesting to talk about God's grace once the darkness has ended? I'm not saying don't share with your friends and family when you are facing difficult times...I'm just saying be sure to share how God's grace filled your life as the darkness dissipated. Why not add a little more passion to God's deliverance and a little less drama to the calamity? To coin a common phrase lately: "just sayin'."

Sunday, March 8, 2009

"Train a child in the way he should go and when he is old and he will not turn from it." Proverbs 22:6

A familiar verse, especially to those in children's ministry. As parents, it's a verse that we hope to witness in action as our children grow. Recently my son got his first job at a new "quick service" restaurant. The training offered by the restaurant was impressive - perfect for a first real job. He has worked on my stepdad's "farm" on weekends for about a year, but it's family, so the job, while excellent experience, has different expectations.

I visited the restaurant on its opening night. I was a bit nervous - would my son treat this job the same way he handles taking out the trash? Would he have the lackadaisacle attitude that he gets when asked to clean his room? Or...would he fall back on the training that he has received to be a self-starter and have a strong work ethic?

I was honored and humbled as I witnessed my son in action. He never stopped moving - not even to chat with me at my table. He gave a nonchalant "hi Mom," and then asked if he could fill our drinks. He visited every table, filling drinks, removing empty plates, checking with patrons to see if there's anything they need. He filled the condiment station with speed and precision. I was impressed.

Victory! Just one. Hopefully there will be many more to come. Of course, I know that there will be failures - which terrifies me beyond belief. But with each small victory, it gives me hope that he will always revert back to his training...the most important of which is the truth about his savior and redeemer Jesus Christ.

I will never stop praying. I will continue to build on the foundation that has been laid. And I will call on God's promise that Josh will not turn from the truth that he has been taught.

Thursday, March 5, 2009


Been a crazy week - here are a few things that have occurred:

  • 2 day mtg with LifeKIDs leaders. One word - INCREDIBLE!
  • Completed 2008 Taxes. Three words - NOT SO INCREDIBLE!
  • My son passed his driving test and got his license.
  • He drove 30+ miles his first day driving alone, and took himself to get a hair cut
  • Today is a "flip flop" day - going to be in the 80s in T-Town. I love the sun and warm weather.

God is so amazing and my life is full of joy and anticipation. Those of you that know me know that I love adrenaline...and there's no rush better than feeling, really feeling God's loving embrace. Thank you Jesus for busy weeks like this one, and for what you are going to do in the days, weeks, months, years to come!

Wednesday, February 25, 2009


As I was reading my Daily You Version Devotion on Monday, I couldn’t help but think about the calling that God has placed on each of us to serve Him in different capacities. He has given each of us a skill to carry out His work, and our obedience helps Him to build His Kingdom.

“…and every skilled person to whom the Lord has given skill and ability to know how to carry out all the work of constructing the sanctuary are to do the work just as the Lord has commanded.” Exodus 36:1

While this passage is talking specifically about building the tabernacle, it sets an example of the fact that God gives each and every one of us specific skills. Paul outlined some of those skills in 1st Corinthians 12 and 14 as he listed the gifts of the Spirit. It is our responsibility to take those gifts and skills and utilize them in His service.

My question to each of you is - how are you using the skills entrusted you by God to further His Kingdom? Maybe you're not called to vocational ministry or commissioned to build a tabernacle, but you are called to do something with your skills - at your job, in your household, in your church. What are you doing today to honor God by using His gifts?

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

16 Years Ago

Sixteen years ago I was holding my new baby boy in my arms, counting his 10 perfect fingers and 10 perfect toes and looking into his innocent eyes. I was starry-eyed with expectation, and scared to death at the same time. What would he become? What kind of a mother would I be?

Today he is a young man, a sophmore in high school and ready to get his driver's license. While I am excited for him and for his future, I am likewise melancholy. Being a mother is much harder than I ever expected. It is also more rewarding than I could have imagined.

Sixteen years ago my life changed forever. Thank you God for the gift of my son Joshua.

Sunday, February 15, 2009


All I can say is WOW! Today marked the official launch of the 14th campus in Owasso, Oklahoma. With 681 people, 118 kids and 6 salvations, God is working tremendously in NE Oklahoma. Lives are being changed and He has allowed me to be a part. I can hardly believe it. That's all I have to say right now - my mind just can't wrap itself around how amazing God is!

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Tested and Approved

Are you tested and approved? Tertius writes in his letter:

"Greet Apelles, tested and approved in Christ." Romans 16:10

I'm not a patient researcher, so my limited research of Apelles shows that he may have questioned the Old Testament writings, but he was a Christ follower - obviously a notable one. I'm not sure exactly how he was tested, but actually Apelles is not my point.

My point is this - are you tested and approved in Christ?

Products on the market today sometimes have a "seal of approval," and maybe you've heard the advertising "kid tested, mother approved." These products submit themselves to testing, often vigorous, relentless testing, to show consumers that their claim to be a good product are true.

If you are a Christian, then you claim to follow Christ and to uphold His truth, even under vigorous testing. Have you received the "seal of approval?"

Unlike products for sale, our testing never ends. But just like those products, sometimes it's necessary to make modifications to pass the test. Maybe we get out of alignment or some integral part becomes loose. We have the advantage of a direct relationship with the Creator to make any necessary modifications.

So what about you - are you tested and approved in Christ? Submit yourself to the Father and ask Him to make any changes so that you will receive the "seal of approval."

Monday, February 2, 2009

I have once again been contemplating "why" - why does God create in me one thing, and then seemingly change His mind? Why does it seem like He's changing His mind only with me and not those closest to me? Why does He surround me with incredible people, with varying degrees of closeness, but yet I sometimes still feel so alone?

While my questions still stand, I was reminded of something today when I was reading a blog post from a friend, Kendra God has a perfect plan - He shares His vision as He deems necessary, and He has a goal.

The LORD answered me and said, “Record the vision and inscribe it on
tablets, that the one who reads it may run. For the vision is yet for the
appointed time; it hastens toward the goal and it will not fail. Though it
tarries, wait for it; for it will certainly come, it will not delay.” Habakkuk
2:2-3 NASBish

His goal for me, for my relationships, for my ministry is written on a "tablet" to be revealed at the appointed time. Even though it is hard - I wait for it, and as it is revealed, I will run with it.

Another thing struck me reading this post - the people He has assembled and surrounded me with are part of the purpose. Even when relationships don't make sense, they're part of the overall goal, part of the vision.

Though I may question Why, I do not question Who. I love the Lord my God with all my heart, my soul, my mind and my strength. I have seen part of the "tablets" and have faith that He will continue to reveal appropriate pieces at the appointed time. He will answer the questions Why when ready.

Monday, January 26, 2009

Been Too Long

It has been more than 2 weeks since my last post. We have been so busy preparing for the Owasso launch that I just haven't taken the time to write like I would like. Here's a few things that have happened recently:

  • Almost 2,800 people at the Tulsa campus of over the past 2 weekends - God's time is amazing as the campus fills to capacity - let's launch another campus!
  • Owasso core group is assembled and ready for the transition.
  • All of the equipment is in and the trailers will be delivered this Friday, January 30th.
  • Mock setup, tear down and training this Sunday, February 1st.
  • First experiences at the new Owasso campus will be held Sunday, February 8th, with setup on Saturday night the 7th at 7:00 p.m. (because the school is used for basketball on Saturdays in February).
  • Official Launch Sunday, February 15th (setup Valentine's night at 7:00 p.m. - this may change so we don't mess up anybody's "heart" day if at all possible)

Someone once told me, and I'm sure I've shared before - find where God is moving and join Him. He is definitely moving here - why don't you join us?

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

It's Official

The launch date for the Owasso campus is official - February 15th, with a "sneak peak" on February 8th. There's a ton of work to do and we are in full swing!

There are so many examples of God calling people and asking for moves beyond what could ever be imagined by our finite minds - the most common example is Abraham. God told him to leave his family and his country and to into an unknown land in Genesis 12:

'"1 The LORD had said to Abram, "Leave your country, your people and your father's household and go to the land I will show you. 2 "I will make you into a great nation and I will bless you; I will make your name great, and you will be a blessing. 3 I will bless those who bless you, and whoever curses you I will curse; and all peoples on earth will be blessed through you."'

Being called to start an Owasso campus of is at times overwhelming - but I still have my family, my friends and the comfort of my happy little apartment. If Abraham can leave absolutely everything, then certainly I can branch out on this venture with confidence and God will bless it! How about you - are you willing to step out of your comfort zone and start something new and unknown? Maybe it's Owasso, maybe something else...pray for God to move you and He will!

Join us Monday, January 19th at 6:30 p.m. for our next Owasso Core Group meeting.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Merry Christmas, Happy New Year and All that Good Stuff

Just wanted to wish you all an incredibly blessed 2009. Life has been so busy these past 2 weeks that I have failed to post anything at all - my apologies. The transition to from Sanctuary is complete and I am now focused on launching the Owasso campus. Although there are many ups and downs in life recently, 2009 is looking to be one of the most amazing years ever.

As God stretches my skills as a parent, friend, leader and Christ follower, I pray that He will bless you and stretch you to be more than you could ever have imagined. God speed in the coming year!