Wednesday, December 17, 2008

God Never Ceases to Amaze Me

He doesn't - just when I think things are rocking along, He mixes it up.  I have numerous stories where He has amazed me by revealing himself - most significant are my physical healing in 2005, becoming LifeKIDS Director that same year, becoming kids pastor at Sanctuary this year, and most recently being moved back to at the new Owasso campus.  Each story is interesting (at least I think so), and He has used these stories to speak to and encourage others.  But as I read a bit of Oswald Chambers this morning, I am reminded that it isn't the story that changes lives, but God through his Holy Spirit. Here's a snippet of today's devotion:

'The creative power of the redemption of God works in the souls of men only through the preaching of the gospel.  It is never the sharing of personal experiences that saves people, but the truth of redemption.  "The words that I speak to you are spirit, and they are life." (John 6:63)'

Although the most recent story of how God spoke to me through a dream is remarkable (it still blows me away), it is only a catalyst to lead people to hear the gospel - where God will reveal His redemptive power.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Wedding Announcement

Got your attention, didn't I?  I certainly wouldn't announce such an event on my blog - actually, I probably wouldn't announce it at all.  You would likely find out after I returned from Vegas, Arkansas, or the County Courthouse and I asked you to help me move. (Just kidding - I'm not that callous.)  

On a serious note.  As followers of Christ, we have been given an eternal gift - to be the bride of Christ himself as He brings Heaven to earth.  We should be planning our wedding day, looking forward to it with excitement and inviting everyone we know to attend.  Just like children staring at beautifully wrapped gifts under the tree, filled with anticipation of Christmas morning, we should be filled with the excitement of knowing that Christ is going to return for us - giving us the ultimate gift of eternal life.

As we ready ourselves to celebrate His birth, let's also remember His promise to return.  What a celebration will be had this Christmas as we give thanks for what He has done as well as what He has promised to do in the future.  Ready yourselves - the wedding will be the most magnificent ever!

"...A man can receive only what is given him from heaven...The bride belongs to the bridegroom.  The friend who attends the bridegroom waits and listens for him, and is full of joy when he hears the bridegrooms voice."  John 3:27-29  'Then I heard what sounded like a great multitude, like the roar of rushing waters and like loud peals of thunder, shouting:  "Hallelujah! For our Lord God Almighty reigns.  Let us rejoice and be glad and give him glory! For the wedding of the Lamb has come, and his bride has made herself ready.  Fine linen, bright and clean, was given her to wear." Revelation 19:6
And in the event I ever get married again here on earth, you, my loyal blog readers, will be towards the top of the list of "people in the know."

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

The Meaning of a Note

Mail - I used to love going to the mail box, hoping that there was something just for me.  That was before my mail began to consist of bills, ads and more bills.  Mail lost all of its fun when what I looked forward to was my monthly bank statement.  You know what I'm talking about - when the Wednesday ads aren't even interesting anymore.

But every once in a great while when I go to the mail box, there's something that causes me to run back into my apartment with anticipation - hardly making it up the steps before I begin to tear the envelope apart.  A handwritten note or card from someone who was thinking about me - from someone who took the time out to write a note to say they care.

The art of writing notes and using "snail mail" has tumbled into a deep chasm, replaced by e-mail and text messaging.  I am oh so guilty of neglecting this communication art myself - I blame it on my poor handwriting.  But awhile back, I decided to take a run at resurrecting note writing and began sending small cards with a "just wanted you to know I'm thinking about you" thoughts to some of the people who impacted me the previous week.  I don't do it enough, and I'm trying to expand my horizons beyond the volunteers in our ministry, but at least I'm trying.  And, it's working.  I've received several e-mails this week stating how much they appreciated receiving a card.  One of the e-mails said "I know you don't have time for writing notes, and yet you do."  This has changed my perspective - I now feel: How can I not have time to write these notes?  How can I go a day, week or month without letting people know that I care and am thinking about them?  If the few minutes it takes each week to write cards, address them and slap a stamp on the front positively impacts only one life, then it's worth it!

What about you?  When is the last time you wrote a note with your very own hand (not on a keyboard, QWERTY or otherwise)?  When is the last time you received a handwritten note?  If it's been awhile, let me know - I'll send you one!  Better yet - send some out yourself and see if you don't get one or two in return.  

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Best Gift

I received one of the best gifts ever last night - an acoustic guitar (or gy-TAR as my dad would call it).  I can't wait to learn how to play and could hardly sleep last night thinking about online lessons vs going to a live instructor, picking vs strumming, minor chords, major chords, etc.

I am so blessed and have so much going through my head that I think I won't bore you - suffice it to say that I am blown away excited!  Now, pray for me that I can learn this thing and recognize my lifelong dream to be a Rock Star!  (JK - a lounge act will be okay.)

To the one who gave me this wondrous gift - THANK YOU!  You are indeed incredibly special and I appreciate you more each and every day.  I love all we have discovered together.  You might want to pray though - you don't know what you've unleashed on the world!

Thursday, December 4, 2008


I was reminded today of something my son said to me a few years ago, "Mom, sometimes you treat your friends better than you treat me."  Ouch!  It was true!  I was often on my best behavior around my friends.  I look forward to being with them because they make me happy, and...I want them to like me.  Shouldn't I be the same with my family?

We often feel like it's okay to "let down" when we come home because home is our safe place.  It's a place where we don't have to be someone we're not, where we can just be ourselves.  Well, if being ourselves means that we are ugly, grumpy and rude, then maybe we ought to look at who we really are...and not make excuses.  Whether we have had a good day or the worst day ever, there is never an excuse to be ugly, grumpy or rude to anyone we are around...including our family!

There are times I still fall into the trap and am less than pleasant at home, but for the most part, I try to be the same person no matter who I'm with.  I want to be known as someone who smiles and is optimistic - to everyone I meet.  If I succeed, hopefully people, including my family, will see Jesus through me.  If not...then Heaven help everyone because it may not be pretty!

Tuesday, December 2, 2008


Have you ever had a dream that came true?  Not a dream like "I dream one day to be a doctor" or "I dream to have a romantic hunk of a husband, a mansion by the lake, a fast car and be rich," (not that the second one isn't worth considering-LOL), but a real honest to goodness, full-night's sleep dream?  In my few years on this earth (emphasis on "few"), I've had my share of dreams but I can't recall one actually coming true almost to the clothing I was wearing.  Until now...

I'm sure you don't care about the details of this dream (or if you do, too bad, because I'm not going to share), but what I want you to know is that God uses ways that we can never imagine to guide us on this path called Life.  I've heard his "whispers," as Bill Hybels called them, in many forms - reading, thoughts affirmed by others, and through friends, but never so vividly as in a dream.  There are numerous stories throughout the Bible where God speaks through dreams, and I have  always been curious how that felt.  What would it be like to wake up and think "wow, God spoke to me last night?"  Well, now I know...and I am thankful! about a burning bush?