Tuesday, December 2, 2008


Have you ever had a dream that came true?  Not a dream like "I dream one day to be a doctor" or "I dream to have a romantic hunk of a husband, a mansion by the lake, a fast car and be rich," (not that the second one isn't worth considering-LOL), but a real honest to goodness, full-night's sleep dream?  In my few years on this earth (emphasis on "few"), I've had my share of dreams but I can't recall one actually coming true almost to the clothing I was wearing.  Until now...

I'm sure you don't care about the details of this dream (or if you do, too bad, because I'm not going to share), but what I want you to know is that God uses ways that we can never imagine to guide us on this path called Life.  I've heard his "whispers," as Bill Hybels called them, in many forms - reading, thoughts affirmed by others, and through friends, but never so vividly as in a dream.  There are numerous stories throughout the Bible where God speaks through dreams, and I have  always been curious how that felt.  What would it be like to wake up and think "wow, God spoke to me last night?"  Well, now I know...and I am thankful!

Now...how about a burning bush?

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