'The creative power of the redemption of God works in the souls of men only through the preaching of the gospel. It is never the sharing of personal experiences that saves people, but the truth of redemption. "The words that I speak to you are spirit, and they are life." (John 6:63)'
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
God Never Ceases to Amaze Me
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Wedding Announcement
"...A man can receive only what is given him from heaven...The bride belongs to the bridegroom. The friend who attends the bridegroom waits and listens for him, and is full of joy when he hears the bridegrooms voice." John 3:27-29 'Then I heard what sounded like a great multitude, like the roar of rushing waters and like loud peals of thunder, shouting: "Hallelujah! For our Lord God Almighty reigns. Let us rejoice and be glad and give him glory! For the wedding of the Lamb has come, and his bride has made herself ready. Fine linen, bright and clean, was given her to wear." Revelation 19:6
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
The Meaning of a Note
Saturday, December 6, 2008
Best Gift
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
2 Timothy
Monday, November 24, 2008
Been Too Long
- Family Meeting at Sanctuary - went well. 250 in attendance.
- Introduced new curriculum to 2s&3s - kids and leaders alike love it!
- Mom's coming for Thanksgiving - clean the apartment, shop for groceries, looking forward to seeing her.
- MacBook hard drive crashed - and no backup. Might need valium for this one.
- Short week, so lots to do.
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
An Emotional Day
Saturday, November 8, 2008
Ask and He Answers
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Tomatoes and randomness
- Tomatoes - why did it take until October for my Early Girl tomato plant to produce tomatoes? I'm enjoying these lovely "ladies" for lunch today...in November. But they are worth the wait!
- Finally - it's election day. Just a few more hours and no more political campaign ads on the tv for awhile.
- What is the purpose of PMS? Josh asked me last night when I was going to be in a good mood again. Hmmm...maybe the 12th of NEVER (that's the PMS talking). Would anyone miss me if I drugged myself into oblivion and locked myself in a room for the 3 days of PMS? Just slide the food under the door and no one will get hurt...and the tea - don't forget the tea!
- Speaking of tea - why can one brand of black and orange pekoe taste so much better than another brand? Sipping on TAZO Awake right now...mmm good!
Monday, October 27, 2008
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Days Off
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Lose Your Christianity?
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Friday, October 3, 2008
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Something On My Mind
Monday, September 29, 2008
New Day - Volunteer Schedules
Friday, September 19, 2008
Detox for the Soul
Monday, September 15, 2008
Exclamation Point
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Children's Ministry Internships
- What kind of response do you get from colleges - local? out of state?
- What is the rate of return - are interns generally interested in future full-time employment with your organization?
- Do you feel this is a good avenue for finding future leaders for your church?
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Family Sunday
Friday, August 29, 2008
Family Sunday
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Where Did Time Go?
Saturday, August 23, 2008
What Would You Do?
Monday, August 18, 2008

Saturday, August 9, 2008
Friday, August 8, 2008
Kids in Big Church
- How to use a hymnal and the difference between it and the Bible;
- That pews are very uncomfortable - especially the ones without padding;
- That the pastor always has 3 points;
- All of the words to "Come Just As You Are;"
- That lunch after church is always crowded, but extra tasty.
- Sorry - okay, seriously I learned: What it means to worship God through song, prayer and the occasional "responsive reading;"
- Respect for those around me as they may be worshipping differently than me;
- Respect for Scripture as it is read aloud and studied;
- The power of the family all believing in Christ together as we discussed the sermon during the extra tasty lunch at the local pancake house.
Monday, August 4, 2008
Saturday, August 2, 2008
Something Bigger than Myself
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Moving Too Fast
- My son is less than a month away from getting his drivers permit.
- My 44th birthday was 2 days ago - where did 43 years go?
- The first week of my new job as Children's Pastor at Peoples Church has already passed.
- My last post was 16 days ago...ugh.
- It's already 11:45 and I have accomplished very little.
Monday, July 7, 2008
Leadership Attracts Talent
A little background: Each year LifeChurch.tv presents a sermon series called At the Movies. A few years ago we began decorating the campus lobbies with various movie scenes - which quickly became a "competition" between campuses to see who could decorate the best. Well, the Tulsa campus has lead the pack the past 2 years, and this year looks to be no exception.
I have been blessed to be a part of this tradition since its inception 3 years ago...blessed to put in 4-18+ hour days in a row; blessed to twist vines and make cave walls and tree trunks out of butcher paper until my fingertips bleed: blessed to navigate the scissor lift within inches of the freshly papered walls while my legs shake from fatigue; blessed to maintain some measure of decorum (albeit not much) when I find out we need 1,000 more feet of butcher paper.
Blessed to watch a vision come together; blessed to see dozens of people put all of their heart and soul into something bigger than themselves; blessed to watch the faces of those who come into the church for the first time during this series; blessed to be a part of what will hopefully be hundreds of changed lives; blessed to be surrounded with talent beyond my imagination.
I asked myself many times during those 18 hour days - What will happen to me when I leave this place and all these gifted people to venture where God has me next? Will I ever be able to be a part of something so big and so amazing again...after all, I have no Talent! Honestly, I became very afraid! Then, at 2:00 in the morning as the Associate Pastor and I were 20 feet in the air hanging the last of the paper, it came to me...Share the vision, and the talent will come. A truly humble leader will attract talent.
That's why the Tulsa campus of LifeChurch.tv does what it does so well...it is staffed with humble hearts gifted with leadership that the people follow. Each weekend there are close to 300 people who volunteer to make 6 experiences happen with excellence. Every time we put out the call for people to serve the community through missions or serve each other through life groups, they answer. When we ask them to help us transform the lobby after they have already put in 8-10 hours at their real job, they appear.
But with the gift of leadership comes a huge level of responsibility - first - remain humble, and second - be a leader to those whom God is calling you to lead.
So although I don't have artistic talent, I pray that I will always remain humble and recognize those around me whom God has gifted. While I will likely never be able to paint, sculpt, act, sing or play a musical instrument, I hope I will always recognize and admire those who can...and encourage them to use their gifts in such a way to honor God and inspire people.
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Today, I had the pleasure of watching a friend's son in the play Willy Wonka Jr. He played the part of Charlie, had a ton of lines to learn and he performed several songs. The play was put on by a troop of young people who participated in acting camp this summer and every single kid involved had incredible talent. My friend's son was no exception - he nailed every line and sang his heart out - he's really quite good. He is full of talent and I hope that he continues his acting and singing so I can say "I knew him when he was a kid."
I really admire talented people! I only wish I had a bit...but God had to make some people average, or else we would never recognize those people with real talent. Way to go Levi - you did a great job today!
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
If you haven't already heard the news, here it is. God has asked me to leave my position at the LifeChurch.tv Tulsa campus and embark on a new adventure. I know - I still can't believe it myself. I figured that I would grow old and die here and they would have to shove me out the door in a coffin. But, God has different plans. Effective July 15th I will become the Children's Pastor at People's Church in Tulsa.
Leaving something as amazing, as God gifted, as blessed, as impactful, as incredible as LifeChurch.tv - well, why would anyone leave? Only two reasons - either because you are certifiably insane or...because God said so. I know God has this all worked out - after all, He said "For I know the plans I have for you...plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."Jeremiah 29:11.
By allowing me to serve at the Tulsa campus of LC.tv for these handful of years, God has truly blessed me beyond measure. I am thankful for each child that ever walked through "the yellow walls" and every person I have had the opportunity to serve with. I will miss this place, its staff and most of all, its people.
As I step out on the water, please pray with me that my focus will remain on His will and I will not look down...I'm not a very good swimmer!
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Orbit and Other Stuff
"...Peter...walked on the water to go to Jesus. But when he saw that the wind was boisterous he was afraid..." Matthew 14:29-30
"The Lord is more pleased when we do what is right and just than when we offer him sacrifices." Proverbs 21:3
First - with all of the rain here in Oklahoma, it seems like we have been walking on water for days.
Okay - back to business. One of my questions in my previous post was "What is my sphere of influence?" The easy answer: those within my orbit - kids and parents in our children's ministry, family, friends, co-workers, etc. Right now though, my sphere is changing. God is moving me beyond what I ever considered doing.
When he brought me to children's ministry, I thought He was stinkin' hilarious. Kids? Yeah...right. Several years later, I recognize that His purpose was right on - and I'm no longer laughing. He has equipped me with passion and skills that I never imagined. And now, He's asking me to step out of the boat in the midst of a very boisterous wind and trust Him to stay the water so that it is rock solid for walking.
I pray that He will be pleased as I step out onto the water and that He will expand my sphere of influence in the way that He sees fit.
Monday, June 16, 2008
First, a definition:
orbit: 1 a: a path described by one body in its revolution about another; also : one complete revolution of a body describing such a path b: a circular path2: a range or sphere of activity or influence . Merriam Webster.
The first question that comes to mind is what are we orbiting - or more appropriately, what am I orbiting? What is my life revolving around? The "church" answer would be that my life revolves around God and around His purpose for me. But, being human, that's not always true. Minute by minute, my revolution focus changes - one minute it's my job, one minute my son, another my friend(s) - in short it's all too often...myself.
Ouch! That's not pretty, especially considering what God has called me to do in service to Him! While there's a vast space within my orbit which allows for life influences like family and career, the very center must be God himself. While it's easy to focus on those things within close range of my orbit, without a very center to revolve around (God), then there's truly no orbit at all.
What's the center of your orbit?
Check back in a few days - this topic has got my mind really thinking (scary, I know). The next question relates to the second definition - what is my sphere of influence? And another question I may try and tackle - What is God's orbit? Tell me what you think!
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Spiritual Pride
This term really stuck with me. I often check out other churches, both in person and on the internet, and have found myself exhibiting a bit of this "spiritual pride." Being on staff at LifeChurch.tv has been an amazing adventure for me. I have had the opportunity to work with the best of the best - people who eat, sleep and breathe our core value of Excellence.
Surrounded daily by these type of people sometimes conjures up the thought - "my church is better than your church." But, is my church really "superior?" If so, as a children's pastor at my church, then does that mean my ministry is superior to children's ministries at other churches?? Well...there it is...and it is truly ugly! Spiritual Pride! Yuck!
Truth is, if we have the same goal - an eye on the true prize - then it doesn't really matter who has the best culture, most dynamic ministry or gets the most media attention - no church (or ministry) is more superior than any other. God reminded me that it doesn't matter where I work so long as I'm actually working for the creator of the church himself - Jesus Christ. The ministry will only be as good as its purpose, and if the purpose is to further the Kingdom of Christ, then there's no need for spiritual pride. God doesn't need us to compete with each other - His love is big enough for all of us.
It's time for all of us to believe that we are not in competition, and instead begin helping each other. So, step outside your comfort zone and check out Christ's church - no matter whether it's First Baptist or First Assembly...I dare say that many are full of the same greatness as your church. Lets drop the spiritual pride and share the spiritual purpose.
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
- Cleaned my apartment.
- Took Josh fishing - caught 2 small mouth bass myself (I know, right?).
- Worked Tuesday morning on kids' camp stuff (has to get done - vacation or not).
- Met with a volunteer.
- Checked e-mail.
- Updated my Facebook page (help - I wish I knew how to use this resource better).
- Took a couple of big fat naps.
- Met my best friends for a fun lunch.
- Talked on the phone (oh yeah, I still need to call my Mom).
- Researched church websites.
- Drank a lot of tea (I love tea).
Okay, so it doesn't sound like a lot of fun, but I am enjoying it! I still have 2-1/2 days remaining, and so far, my only plans are to sit by the pool and get some sun, pick up my glasses (yuck), and do some reading. Oh yeah...and drink some more tea! I'll be "back in the saddle" Saturday...meantime, it's vacation, vacation, vacation!
Saturday, May 31, 2008
Take a Hike
Was the hike worth it? Yup. Here's an account (yes, a list) of what I experienced:
- 2 turtles.
- 6 white tailed deer.
- 1 green snake (actually, I can appreciate its beauty...even though it was a snake).
- 1 lizard (can't recall what type).
- 2 squirrels.
- Numerous buzzards and other birds.
- 1 salamander.
- Hundreds of tadpoles.
- 1 frog.
- 3 different species of cray fish.
- Many deep valleys and tall hills (yes, I climbed them).
- Acres of waving red clover.
- 1 stream of cool rushing water (perfect for tired feet).
- 1 peanut butter and apple jelly sandwich (yum).
- A great day with an incredible friend.
Point of this post? That you should get yourself outdoors and enjoy everything that God created. I'm not saying that you have to get extreme and hike 12 miles, but just get out. God has created a whole world just for us. God created the sun and the stars, He created all of the creatures of the earth and then He gave them to man "...have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air, and over every living thing that moves on the earth." Gen 1:28 He wanted us to enjoy and appreciate His creation.
So why are you sitting inside, reading this blog? Turn off the computer, get out and enjoy all that God created for us. And as you marvel at the beauty, remember to give Him thanks!
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
But this morning as I was reading the daily devotion in Utmost for His Highest, Oswald Chambers highlighted the following scripture:
"In that day you will ask Me nothing." John 16:23
To set the stage, Jesus was talking to His disciples about his death and resurrection and they were full of questions. He was assuring them that once the prophecy was fulfilled, they would have full understanding of what it meant. Well, duh! Of course they will understand what happened after the fact...it's the before part that was driving them crazy with questions!
Just like a little kid (or "not so little" like my 15 year old son), I have so many questions that I want to ask God when I get to sit at His feet in Heaven. But this scripture reminded me that I won't even need to ask...once it's all said and done, it will all be "said and done." I will be able to look back and recognize all of the amazingly intricate things/events/happenings that God knit together that were part of my tenure on the planet Earth. There will be no need to ask questions but to rest in the fact that He was my Creator, my Savior, my God.
But there's still one question - was it really necessary to create the dung beetle?
Monday, May 19, 2008
Need a Hug?
"Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you, yes I will help you, I will uphold you with My righteous right hand." Isaiah 41:10.
Now THAT's a hug! I could still really use a strong, full on physical hug, but as I close my eyes and visualize My God holding me up with His "righteous right hand," that's better than any earthly embrace I could ever imagine. As always, God is ready and waiting to meet me when I take the time to turn to Him.
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Life - God Isn't Done With Me Yet
- Life.
Okay, so it's not really a list...just a single bullet point. I could bore you with all of the details, but isn't your life busy too? I mean, really...you may not face all of the same challenges that I do, but I am certain that your list is at least as long as mine! See if you can relate: parenting (for me, being a single parent - does that count twice?), job, friends, life group, laundry, groceries, going to the gym, trying to fit in a hobby/fun activity, reading, writing/blogging, and...sleep! And that doesn't even count any extra responsibilities that find their way onto the calendar. Whew - I'm exhausted!
There are days when I would love to curl up in a ball under my covers and check out! But today, I was reminded by an amazing speaker Perry Noble, if I am still alive on this earth, God isn't done with me. So even though I'm busier than ever, and I pour myself into bed each night exhausted, I wake up each morning facing a new day with the anticipation that God has something amazing planned just for me. I still have to accomplish all of my responsibilities, but by reminding myself that God isn't done with me I am going to move into the "anticipation line," out of the "aggravation line" and do my best to fulfill His commission for my Life with a capital L.
Which line are you in - the anticipation line, or the aggravation line?
Thursday, May 8, 2008
How Do You Hear From God?
- Listen
- Write
- Wait
- Listen for a "still small voice," a thunderous voice or maybe even several voices grappling in your head. Listen to the gut feeling that literally has your stomach twisted into a knot. Listen to that nagging feeling that just won't seem to go away. Listen, and write.
- Write - even if you think that you can't. Grab a pen, paper and write anything that comes into your mind. Maybe it's a list, maybe it's just random words, or maybe you are an aspiring author and your thoughts are in order and eloquent - it doesn't matter. I remember clearly a time when God was speaking to me, but not in full thoughts - just random words bouncing swiftly in and out of my head. I began to write them down feverishly until there was nothing left. Once complete, I looked at my paper full of single words and somehow, though not in paragraph form and completely void of punctuation, the jumble of words made perfect sense. Write, and wait.
- Wait. For many of us, this is the hardest part. Sometimes a crisis of belief is so overwhelming that it becomes all consuming, and waiting a single minute seems impossible. But you can do it...God's timing is perfect. Remember, we accepted God's love in faith, so we can wait on Him in faith.
Sometimes in our logic and haste to resolve life's problems we settle for second best...but if we will just listen, write and wait, we will receive His perfect solution.
What about you - what is the most difficult step for you?
Sunday, May 4, 2008
This Weekend...a List
- LifeKIDs camp registration is off the charts.
- LifeChurch.tv Mother's Day Child Dedications are rolling in so fast that I can't keep up.
- We have babies coming out our ears and a new "crop" expected to be born in the next 2 months.
- God is blessing this ministry beyond anything we could have ever imagined.
- There are a lot of hurting single moms.
- God is raising up women to mentor these hurting single moms.
Is He calling YOU?
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Guest Blog
"I went to see my great-grandmother the other day at the nursing home. She’s 99 and it’s a rare day that she remembers any of our names. But, this day was a good day! Not good because she knew who I was, but good because of the moment. I showed up briefly to say hi and to be on my way. My dad was there and as always, asked me to play the piano. I didn’t have any of my music with me and was very hesitant, but I knew how much it meant to him. He found a hymnal for me and in my head I was thinking, “Yeah! Not only do I get to sight read songs I’ve never played, but it’s a hymnal!” ha ha. I played a few songs and the last song I played was “The Old Rugged Cross”. As I started, I began to sing the words. My allergies were acting up and my voice was hoarse, but shortly after I began I heard my great-grandmother start singing. She sang every word of the song from memory, as I played it through 3 times. When I finished, she said, “Now that was fun.” My eyes started to water, because at the end of the day, even though she probably didn’t recognize me, she knew the words to this amazing song about Christ. Even though her mind confuses her, her one constant was and is still God.
After a moment, she looked at me and said, “I have been blessed with great children and I hope the good Lord lets me stay around longer, so that I can just be with them.”
Isn’t it amazing the things the mind thinks of or remembers? To be in that moment and to see the thoughts of a mind that constantly searches, yet seems to be so founded in that one thing. Christ says he is not a God of confusion, but instead, gives our minds peace. I was left in this moment, in awe, completely able to see Christ’s beauty, wonder and power. It let me see a glimpse of everyone’s purpose in this world. I think at times we have a tendency to discount people because of their old age or health issues, but God never does. Every living person has a specific purpose in Christ. My great-grandmother, even in the midst of her fragile state, only claimed God."
Saturday, April 26, 2008
Customer Service
There is one place that I always receive amazing service - a local Village Inn. Every Friday morning I meet my dad for breakfast, which we've been doing now for about 3 years. We began meeting at IHOP and fell in love with a waitress there named Tammy Queen (yes, that's her real name). Tammy actually began waiting on us when the other waitroids at IHOP didn't want to serve us - I guess we were too much trouble. You see, we actually expected our food to come out the way we ordered it...omelette not runny, food at least lukewarm...don't get me started.
Anyway - Tammy treats us so well, that when she left IHOP, we followed her to Village Inn. She genuinely cares - and she likes US! Tammy makes sure our food is what we ordered and fills our drinks when they're the slightest bit low. Since we are there every week, she even has our table set up with our drinks when we arrive. And...gulp...she smiles! She is the epitome of quality customer service! In return, she gets an amazing tip and she has become a good friend. Now...if I can just get her to church!
Her life is no better, nor worst than anyone else's - so what makes her stand out from others? It is because she cares about people.
There are many books written and hundreds of seminars about customer service - but the best demonstrations are in the Bible. Jesus gave us immeasurable examples of what it means to serve other people - his whole life was based on it. Why can't we take Jesus' example of "customer service" and enjoy serving each other, like He served the woman who risked everything to touch His robe; like He served the disciples when He washed their feet; like He served those whom He healed; like He served us when He accepted his death on the cross.
Do we treat everyone as if we may have to give up our lives for them someday? Do we even treat other people with civility, honor and humility? Don't get me wrong, I don't expect the Fruit and Yogurt Parfait out-the-window holder to give up her life for me, but it would be nice to know that she might actually care...just simply because.
Monday, April 21, 2008
When God Doesn't Make Sense
"God, you're from eternity, aren't you? Holy God, we aren't going to die, are we? God, you chose Babylonians for your judgment work? Rock-Solid God, you gave them the job of discipline? But you can't be serious!..." Habakkuk 1:12-13 (The Message).
Sometimes, God just doesn't make sense. Sometimes, He asks things of us that require obedience - and seem illogical. And sometimes, obedience hurts. For me, I have tried of late to "reason away" what He's asked me to do because in my mind, it just doesn't seem right. I mean, why would God bring me to this place in my life only to downshift and take a different turn. I feel like I have been on the right path, have been obedient to His will for my life...why would he suddenly ask for what seems to me to be a detour?
The truth is...I don't know, but because He is my God, I will follow Him, no matter where He leads - even if it takes me awhile to act because I'm trying to argue my way out. (If you know me at all, then you know that I can argue with the best of them.) "The Sovereign Lord is my strength; he makes my feet like the feet of a deer, he enables me to tread on the heights." Habakkuk 3:18. (NIV) Just like Habakkuk, I will find my strength in God because He has given me faith that whatever His plan, it will be perfect. "'For I know the plans I have for you,' declares the Lord, 'plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.'" Jeremiah 29:11
What about you? Does God always make sense?
Friday, April 18, 2008
Jericho - Blog from Cindy Beall
Monday, April 14, 2008
Ropes Course - Success Continued
At the beginning of the day, we participated in several "team building" exercises which affirmed our belief and trust in each other. I'm sure many of you have participated in these things before and are not unfamiliar with the concept of "team." Turns out - our TEAM is pretty stinkin' awesome!!! One of the elements was a teeter-tawter of massive proportions. We were all required to be on the element at the same time, and then figure out how to make the teeter-tawter balance. Sounds easy...but of course, if it were easy, it wouldn't be on the course! After many boughts of gut-wrenching laughter, and several attempts at different scenarios, we finally settled down and got the thing balanced.
After team building, we tackled the ropes course, starting with climbing a rock wall and ending with a zip line. Relatively simple - unless, of course, you are afraid of heights or have the balance of a 3-legged bull. Although I don't fear heights, my balance is less than stellar...okay, it stinks big time! But, I figured, No Big Deal, right? Well, this was truly a lonely experience! After spending all morning working with 8 other people, knowing I can trust them to "get my back," here I was all alone with just my harness and lovely helmet!
As a team, we experienced success...together, we reached our goal. But it was when I was by myself that success was elusive. My goal was to get through the elements not only once, but twice, so that I could be better the second time. A worthy goal, but complete realization was not found today. After I conquered the swinging 4 x 4s, rope wall and tight wire, I recognized that the balance of this 43 year old body was not sufficient to tackle two other elements. The legs were shaky and I just wasn't interested in doing the splits between two tires swinging 30 feet in the air. I had to back off and admit defeat.
Defeat...but, not entirely. I will not allow it to overshadow the successes...one element at a time. So overall - was it a success? Absolutely! Next goal...hot, long, soaking bath!
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
Success Part Deaux
How hard is it to be a successful parent nowadays? For me, there are days when keeping my hands from locking around Josh's throat is a worthy goal, but obviously that's short lived and won't necessarily be measured in eternity (unless I actually go through with it I guess). But what will be measured is how I raise my son to honor, love, fear and reflect God. Remember - to be a Success, I have to have a goal, it must be worthy (i.e. world changing), and there must be complete realization. So daily, I have to ask myself:
- Does Josh know who God is?
- Does he know the sacrifice that Jesus made for him on the cross?
- Has he accepted Jesus as his personal Lord and Savior?
- Does he honor God in his speech, actions and relationships?
- Does Josh feel safe, knowing that he has a mom who loves him unconditionally and a God who knows the count of every hair on his head?
It doesn't matter how many sacrifices I make to raise him, or how many times I fail, but what does matter is am I leading Josh to have a personal relationship with the risen Christ. In the end, this is all that will be measured. Will I be successful? His life depends on it!
Sunday, April 6, 2008
Today, however, I am facing a different kind of weakness. Weakness in managing my blessings. How do I keep focused on Him and His purpose when He has blessed me so much? Seems crazy - you're probably wondering what in the freak is my problem. It's not a problem really, just a recognition that if I am not careful, I will fall into the trap of being totally focused on my blessings, and not on the blesser!
2 Corinthians 12:9-10 says"But he said to me, "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness." Therefore, I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ's power may rest on me. That is why, for Christ's sake, I delight in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persectuions, in difficulties. For when I am weak, then I am strong." Father - I rest in my weakness...work in me your perfect plan, grant me focus, make me the leader, the mother, the partner you want me to be and help me to manage the blessings you have bestowed.
Friday, April 4, 2008
My dad always said success is the "complete realization of a worthy goal." To break it down, there are 3 key elements:
- Goal - can't measure success without a goal to achieve.
- Worth - is the goal actually something that will make a change - dare I say - change the world.
- Realization - actually achieving the goal and, thereby, changing the world.
I have many opportunities for success - as a parent, within relationships and in ministry. I will share some of them with you in the next post. Meantime - I really want to hear from you. What is your definition of success, and what are you doing towards achievement? Come on now - let's get a good conversation going.
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
Live to Be 150?
As a Christian, I have the promise of an amazing eternity to look forward to! As far as I'm concerned - bring it on! (No, I'm not suicidal or asking to be hit by a bus - just comfortable with the fact that I know where I'm going when I'm gone.)
More important than how long I'm going to live is what am I doing in the days, years, even decades that I'm commissioned to this planet to make sure that others join me in eternity? So instead of spending my days figuring out how to live to be 150, I am focusing on what impact I can have in the current day I've been given. What about you? How long do you want to live and what do you want to do with your days?
Sunday, March 30, 2008
Thoughts for Today and Random To Do List
- Baptisms this weekend - AMAZING! Don't know total #s yet, but know the pool was c-o-l-d!
- I love kids!
- 'Kids love candy
- Candy is an essential element of negotiating for good behavior (aka bribery).
- To Do: Buy more candy for next weekend's experiences.
- Teenage boys are aliens from some other universe!
- Things I Need to Learn: How to communicate with aliens, especially regarding answering the cell phone when Mom calls, and making sure said alien has a ride home when Mom is at work.
- To Do: Find a book on common forms of alien communication, both written and verbal.
- Thankful List:
- Alien from another universe.
- Amazing date night - teriyaki salmon...yum yum!
- My campus pastor - I love him very much - he's the greatest guy in the world (he told me to write this).
- You - cuz you read this to the end.
What about you - can you make teriyaki salmon?
Monday, March 24, 2008
Honor God and Inspire People
Our Senior Pastor, Craig Groeschel, talked about our “cause” in his message this weekend – although the message was geared towards men, women are not excused because of our gender. God requires all of us to step up and be warriors for Him - and every warrior has a cause to fight for!
If you don’t have a personal “cause,” then I invite you to join me in mine…to honor God and inspire people! Of course, there are a number of things that I will fight to the death for – my son, LifeKIDs ministry, family, friends, my life group - by fighting for these, I believe I am honoring God’s plan for my life. So – I challenge each of you to ask the question - What am I willing to fight for…if even to the death? Please share - I'd love to hear your cause!
Friday, March 21, 2008
More About Easter
"But remember, dear friends, that the apostles of our Master, Jesus Christ, told us this would happen: "In the last days there will be people who don't take these things seriously anymore. They'll treat them like a joke, and make a religion of their own whims and lusts." ... "But you, dear friends, carefully build yourselves up in this most holy faith by praying in the Holy Spirit, staying right at the center of God's love, keeping your arms open and outstretched, ready for the mercy of our Master, Jesus Christ. This is the unending life, the real life! Go easy on those who hesitate in the faith. Go after those who take the wrong way. Be tender with sinners, but not soft on sin." Jude 17-23
Focus delivered, now bring on the people!
Thursday, March 20, 2008
Sunday, March 16, 2008
Day Center
To say I was apprehensive about how the kids would handle this experience would be an understatement. Truth is - I was terrified! How would the kids respond to the homeless clients? Would they stare? Would they run scared? Would they refuse to even go into the place? And would they be able to hold out and not eat the chicken and biscuits themselves?
As usual, God surprised me! We set out the ground rules before we reached our destination: Stay with an adult at all times, no wandering around the center by yourself, don't eat the food because it's for those less fortunate, and...no staring! The kids walked in and it was obvious that God had prepared their hearts. Their job was to carry full plates of food to the clients who could not walk to the food line. Well, the kids were so amazing that they served every client - so no one had to serve themselves. Also - we had more than enough food - so the kids began carrying plates full of chicken and biscuits, offering seconds and thirds. Some even went around "taking orders," then rushing back to the kitchen and shouting them out like a short-order diner! It was awesome!
Best story of the event - one of our 7 yr olds went home to Mom and Dad and asked if they could invite a different homeless person to come to their house every night for dinner and to sleep. When asked where the homeless person would sleep, the child said he would give up his bed. When asked where he would sleep, he said "in your bed Dad." How stinkin' cool is that?
If you are in children's ministry, have you taken kids on a community mission? What has been your experience - I'd love to know!
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
In the previous blog, I failed to mention my Family in my list of blessings. I’d love to say that it was purposeful because I planned to create another post about family, but that wouldn’t be truthful. The truth is – I take my family for granted! I have the most amazing parents! I am blessed with more than the standard Mom and Dad because I have a Stepmom and Stepdad as well. All four of my parents have been extremely instrumental in molding and shaping me into who I am today. Oh, and I have two sisters, who are both married, and I have 9 nieces and nephews between them. Whew – they are busy women – and I admire both of them for their accomplishments – God knew what He was doing when He gave me one child for certain!!
Okay – here’s another list – How my parents have blessed me:
Mom: Created in me a solid work ethic. Although she wanted to be home with us, she braved the work force and taught me that you push through and never quit. She also taught me to enjoy the sun and the beauty of nature – she has a remarkable green thumb. And don’t even get me started on what an amazing artist she is – no matter what medium she works in, she is incredible! Finally, she continually demonstrates grace…she has been through a lot in her life, and she approaches everyone with grace and dignity.
Dad: Demonstrated and encouraged leadership. No matter what he takes on, he always shakes out as the leader. His knowledge of God’s Word is impressive, and his passion for living out a life for Him is inspiring. Mom introduced me into a relationship with God, but my Dad and Stepmom watered and fed the relationship so it would bloom.
Stepmom: In one word – FUN! She always knows how to have fun. I love watching her with my son and my nieces and nephews – her house is where every kid wants to be! Even when there’s nothing to do, my son just loves to be at their house because somehow, some way, he’s going to enjoy himself. How many grandparents have a giant waterslide, a bounce house and a swing set all set up in the back yard? (Yes, my Dad has to put them all up, but it’s my Stepmom secretly prods the kids to ask grandpa.)
Stepdad: Independence – as a woman, I can do anything I set my mind to. From drywall and pouring concrete to changing my own oil – he taught us how to do it all. Of course, he appreciated us as girls too, but there’s no reason we shouldn’t learn how to correctly use a level and to set a chalk line!
Previously, I talked about us being the sum of all our parts – well, these are some of my parts. What parts has your family blessed you with?
Saturday, March 8, 2008
How Did I Get Here?
Life is good - and it makes me wonder How did I get here? I believe we are the sum of all of our parts - meaning that all of our past experiences, whether victories or failures, help to make us who we are today. There have been many failures in my past...certainly it seems more than the victories...but today, I wonder with all of the mistakes and stupidity, why does God still chose to bless me so enormously?
Today's blessings seem infinite! Don't get me wrong, the memories of mistakes and failures are still there and I pray that I will never stop learning from them. "But even if you should suffer for righteousness' sake, you are blessed." 1 Peter 3:13 There is another scripture that says something like "I consider it pure joy to suffer in Christ" (that's obviously a paraphrase cuz my brain can't remember where to find it). So here's the deal - even though I don't deserve them, here are the blessings I am counting today:
- That He works through me to change lives for His Kingdom;
- My incredible son who makes me laugh and makes me crazy at the same time - his big green eyes just make me melt;
- An amazing relationship in my life - not sure where it's going but I'm filled with almost explosive anticipation, enjoying every moment;
- Unbelievable friends and accountability partners who love me no matter what;
- The best place in the whole world to work, with the the strongest team of family sharing the most important purpose;
- Relationships with hundreds of children, parents and the best volunteers in the universe;
- Sunshine (although it's just barely peaking through the clouds today);
- And YOU - cuz if you are reading this, and got this far, then I haven't bored you to death and that makes me happy!
Now that I've thought about it a bit, I guess I can stop asking "How Did I Get Here" and start asking "What am I going to do now that I'm here." What about you? Now that you're here, what are your blessings, and what are you going to do?