Wednesday, April 15, 2009


My son came down with a fever last night. Not earth shattering. Not new to me as a mom. But, last night was different. At 16 yrs old, being sick is much different than at 6 yrs old. I'm not sure if I'm ready.

Six year old boys want attention - he would curl up in my lap while his daddy told him to "suck it up, son." He wanted someone to sit with him and watch cartoons, serve him juice and make all the sickness go away. He wanted to know that he was loved.

Sixteen year old boys want nothing to do with mom or anyone else. He knows mom can't make the sickness go away, but he also knows that mom will pray for healing. He still wants mom to serve him, but he's capable of getting it for himself in the middle of the night so as to allow mom to sleep. He watches Discovery or MTV, and certainly doesn't want mom watching it with him. He knows he is loved, and therefore, he is independent.

Sixteen years behind us and still a lifetime ahead. While I miss the lap-curling moments, I look forward to the milestones to come. Hard to let go of the 6 yr old, but I welcome the 16 yr old just the same.

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