Saturday, May 31, 2008

Take a Hike

No, I'm not telling you, my loyal blog readers, to take a figurative hike...but it wouldn't hurt to take a physical hike. (Actually, maybe it would hurt. I did such a thing on Friday, and boy am I paying for it today! Now, I'm a physically active person. I work out and do strength training at least 3 times a week, and I'm not afraid of a good physical challenge. Which is why I'm so amazed at the pain I feel today! But you know the saying, no pain, no gain.)

Was the hike worth it? Yup. Here's an account (yes, a list) of what I experienced:
  • 2 turtles.
  • 6 white tailed deer.
  • 1 green snake (actually, I can appreciate its beauty...even though it was a snake).
  • 1 lizard (can't recall what type).
  • 2 squirrels.
  • Numerous buzzards and other birds.
  • 1 salamander.
  • Hundreds of tadpoles.
  • 1 frog.
  • 3 different species of cray fish.
  • Many deep valleys and tall hills (yes, I climbed them).
  • Acres of waving red clover.
  • 1 stream of cool rushing water (perfect for tired feet).
  • 1 peanut butter and apple jelly sandwich (yum).
  • A great day with an incredible friend.

Point of this post? That you should get yourself outdoors and enjoy everything that God created. I'm not saying that you have to get extreme and hike 12 miles, but just get out. God has created a whole world just for us. God created the sun and the stars, He created all of the creatures of the earth and then He gave them to man "...have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air, and over every living thing that moves on the earth." Gen 1:28 He wanted us to enjoy and appreciate His creation.

So why are you sitting inside, reading this blog? Turn off the computer, get out and enjoy all that God created for us. And as you marvel at the beauty, remember to give Him thanks!

Wednesday, May 28, 2008


The other day my 15 year old son asked me a question that I couldn't answer. I don't remember now what the question was exactly, but I remember my response, "you will have to ask God when you get to heaven." Go Mom! This response is way better than "ask your father." Pull in the "spiritual stuff!" Of course, at 15, he just rolled his eyes and walked away.

But this morning as I was reading the daily devotion in Utmost for His Highest, Oswald Chambers highlighted the following scripture:

"In that day you will ask Me nothing." John 16:23

To set the stage, Jesus was talking to His disciples about his death and resurrection and they were full of questions. He was assuring them that once the prophecy was fulfilled, they would have full understanding of what it meant. Well, duh! Of course they will understand what happened after the's the before part that was driving them crazy with questions!

Just like a little kid (or "not so little" like my 15 year old son), I have so many questions that I want to ask God when I get to sit at His feet in Heaven. But this scripture reminded me that I won't even need to ask...once it's all said and done, it will all be "said and done." I will be able to look back and recognize all of the amazingly intricate things/events/happenings that God knit together that were part of my tenure on the planet Earth. There will be no need to ask questions but to rest in the fact that He was my Creator, my Savior, my God.

But there's still one question - was it really necessary to create the dung beetle?

Monday, May 19, 2008

Need a Hug?

Well, I do. Today has been a long, difficult day. No reason really - can't blame it on the dreaded PMS, no one stole my favorite blankie or peed in my "Post Toasties," it's just been a long day. Sitting in my apartment alone, and no chance of a physical hug, I turned to the pages of the Bible.

"Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you, yes I will help you, I will uphold you with My righteous right hand." Isaiah 41:10.

Now THAT's a hug! I could still really use a strong, full on physical hug, but as I close my eyes and visualize My God holding me up with His "righteous right hand," that's better than any earthly embrace I could ever imagine. As always, God is ready and waiting to meet me when I take the time to turn to Him.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Life - God Isn't Done With Me Yet

These last two weeks I have been a bad, bad blogger! Things have been crazy busy and I just haven't taken the time to write as much as I like. Please accept my apologies. Here's a rundown of what's been going on (yes, another list):

  • Life.

Okay, so it's not really a list...just a single bullet point. I could bore you with all of the details, but isn't your life busy too? I mean, may not face all of the same challenges that I do, but I am certain that your list is at least as long as mine! See if you can relate: parenting (for me, being a single parent - does that count twice?), job, friends, life group, laundry, groceries, going to the gym, trying to fit in a hobby/fun activity, reading, writing/blogging, and...sleep! And that doesn't even count any extra responsibilities that find their way onto the calendar. Whew - I'm exhausted!

There are days when I would love to curl up in a ball under my covers and check out! But today, I was reminded by an amazing speaker Perry Noble, if I am still alive on this earth, God isn't done with me. So even though I'm busier than ever, and I pour myself into bed each night exhausted, I wake up each morning facing a new day with the anticipation that God has something amazing planned just for me. I still have to accomplish all of my responsibilities, but by reminding myself that God isn't done with me I am going to move into the "anticipation line," out of the "aggravation line" and do my best to fulfill His commission for my Life with a capital L.

Which line are you in - the anticipation line, or the aggravation line?

Thursday, May 8, 2008

How Do You Hear From God?

In this weekend's message, Craig listed three things to do when you are facing a crisis of belief and in the valley.
  • Listen
  • Write
  • Wait
  1. Listen for a "still small voice," a thunderous voice or maybe even several voices grappling in your head. Listen to the gut feeling that literally has your stomach twisted into a knot. Listen to that nagging feeling that just won't seem to go away. Listen, and write.
  2. Write - even if you think that you can't. Grab a pen, paper and write anything that comes into your mind. Maybe it's a list, maybe it's just random words, or maybe you are an aspiring author and your thoughts are in order and eloquent - it doesn't matter. I remember clearly a time when God was speaking to me, but not in full thoughts - just random words bouncing swiftly in and out of my head. I began to write them down feverishly until there was nothing left. Once complete, I looked at my paper full of single words and somehow, though not in paragraph form and completely void of punctuation, the jumble of words made perfect sense. Write, and wait.
  3. Wait. For many of us, this is the hardest part. Sometimes a crisis of belief is so overwhelming that it becomes all consuming, and waiting a single minute seems impossible. But you can do it...God's timing is perfect. Remember, we accepted God's love in faith, so we can wait on Him in faith.

Sometimes in our logic and haste to resolve life's problems we settle for second best...but if we will just listen, write and wait, we will receive His perfect solution.

What about you - what is the most difficult step for you?

Sunday, May 4, 2008

This Weekend...a List

  • LifeKIDs camp registration is off the charts.
  • Mother's Day Child Dedications are rolling in so fast that I can't keep up.
  • We have babies coming out our ears and a new "crop" expected to be born in the next 2 months.
  • God is blessing this ministry beyond anything we could have ever imagined.
  • There are a lot of hurting single moms.
  • God is raising up women to mentor these hurting single moms.

Is He calling YOU?