Monday, August 18, 2008


When I first heard the new name of our church, I went back to the Disney version of The Hunchback of Notre Dame, where the Hunchback screams out "Sanctuary, Sanctuary."  Before getting involved in "the ministry," I remember feeling Sanctuary as a church attender - never wanting to leave the safety within those walls.

We launched the new name and new look this Sunday and it was a huge success!  The launch included a totally revamped children's ministry.  The place had a buzz about it!  In time, we will be able to measure the success through growth...but for now, the only way I can describe it is the place felt "light" and alive instead of the heavy, dull feeling that it had just the week before.
Check out the new Sanctuary Kids logo - I love it and look forward to all that God is going to do through this program and this church!  Kuddos to the entire team and incredible volunteers that pulled it all together.

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