Saturday, August 2, 2008

Something Bigger than Myself

We hear all the time that we need to be involved in something "bigger than ourselves."  This is a great way to sum up being in ministry and sounds so honorable.  But the truth is, it is really really hard!  Sometimes I just want to be myself, not something bigger.  Sometimes I just want to sink into my fuzzy couch and tune the rest of the world totally out.  Tonight is one of those times!

Truth is - God's calling for my life is much larger than I ever expected.  Tonight I am looking for God's strength, energy, clarity, focus and His love.  Tonight is a "valley" time, and I know that He will pull me out of this valley and I will soon be once again on the mountain top.  Thankfully, there are two good things about being in the valley - first, there's no place but up; second, I can't rely on myself to climb out - I am forced to put my total trust, faith and hope in God.  

Albeit difficult, the valley is a good place to be...really?  I mean...really.  "Open up before God, keep nothing back; he'll do whatever needs to be done; He'll validate your life in the clear light of day and stamp you with approval at high noon."  Psalms 37:5-8 Msg.

1 comment:

rabbi said...

A mentor-friend once described to me how few people have "an internal clock that tick tocks loud enough to move them".

I suspect that you are a rare-breed, my friend, whose clock is getting louder with age rather than more and more quiet.

That sounds like an exceptional gift that is rare... it may be the product of humility. Remember that scripture that asks "where will you find God?"... and then answers "in a person who is humble, contrite and who trembles at His word".

Being contrite is probably the product of all of those hours spent on that hard bench pew wondering why we are singing "Just As I Am" again this week.