Monday, June 16, 2008


Lately I've heard the word "orbit" a ton. Usually "orbit" is related to something in space - like the earth which orbits the sun, the moon which orbits the earth, or a space craft which orbits whatever it was sent to fly around. The context in which I have recently heard the term used was in the "business" of ministry, although I'm certain it's a new buzz word in other business sectors as well.

First, a definition:

orbit: 1 a: a path described by one body in its revolution about another; also : one complete revolution of a body describing such a path b: a circular path2: a range or sphere of activity or influence . Merriam Webster.

The first question that comes to mind is what are we orbiting - or more appropriately, what am I orbiting? What is my life revolving around? The "church" answer would be that my life revolves around God and around His purpose for me. But, being human, that's not always true. Minute by minute, my revolution focus changes - one minute it's my job, one minute my son, another my friend(s) - in short it's all too often...myself.

Ouch! That's not pretty, especially considering what God has called me to do in service to Him! While there's a vast space within my orbit which allows for life influences like family and career, the very center must be God himself. While it's easy to focus on those things within close range of my orbit, without a very center to revolve around (God), then there's truly no orbit at all.

What's the center of your orbit?

Check back in a few days - this topic has got my mind really thinking (scary, I know). The next question relates to the second definition - what is my sphere of influence? And another question I may try and tackle - What is God's orbit? Tell me what you think!

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