Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Spiritual Pride

One of the pastors I work with used the term "spiritual pride" during our staff meeting recently. He was describing why he felt that churches are divided and why they don't really want to come together, even though they have the same main purpose.

This term really stuck with me. I often check out other churches, both in person and on the internet, and have found myself exhibiting a bit of this "spiritual pride." Being on staff at LifeChurch.tv has been an amazing adventure for me. I have had the opportunity to work with the best of the best - people who eat, sleep and breathe our core value of Excellence.

Surrounded daily by these type of people sometimes conjures up the thought - "my church is better than your church." But, is my church really "superior?" If so, as a children's pastor at my church, then does that mean my ministry is superior to children's ministries at other churches?? Well...there it is...and it is truly ugly! Spiritual Pride! Yuck!

Truth is, if we have the same goal - an eye on the true prize - then it doesn't really matter who has the best culture, most dynamic ministry or gets the most media attention - no church (or ministry) is more superior than any other. God reminded me that it doesn't matter where I work so long as I'm actually working for the creator of the church himself - Jesus Christ. The ministry will only be as good as its purpose, and if the purpose is to further the Kingdom of Christ, then there's no need for spiritual pride. God doesn't need us to compete with each other - His love is big enough for all of us.

It's time for all of us to believe that we are not in competition, and instead begin helping each other. So, step outside your comfort zone and check out Christ's church - no matter whether it's First Baptist or First Assembly...I dare say that many are full of the same greatness as your church. Lets drop the spiritual pride and share the spiritual purpose.

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