Friday, September 6, 2013

Sleep Truster

Are you a Sleep Truster? Do you lay your head down on the pillow, exhausted from all of the day's problems, and pray that God will fix the situation? Then, when you wake in the morning, for a brief moment you've forgotten that you had any burdens? Maybe you awake to your children laughing, or birds singing, or even peace and quiet...then, remember that life isn't all "white picket fence" perfect.  If this sounds familiar, you are a Sleep Truster.  Don't worry, you're not alone...I'm often a Sleep Truster too.  The good news is that there is a cure.  The bad news is, we must give up control! (Anyone who knows me knows this is s HUGE issue!)

A Sleep Truster bears her burdens all day long and releases them to God when she sleeps.  Instead of wearing the Armor of God during her waking hours, she wears a sackcloth of worries. At night, she replaces the sackcloth with her sleeping garment of protection and hands the sackcloth to God to launder.  God's desire is not just to launder the threadbare sackcloth, but to turn it into the glorious splendor of His armor.

The Sleep Truster does not see the potential of the sackcloth.  She has lived with this garment for so long, it has become part of her.  She does not see that God's power can turn it into something magnificent.  And so, she demands it back the next morning, taking it out of God's hands and placing all of the burdens it represents squarely on her shoulders once again.

All too often, my last thought of the night is about God, and my first thought of the morning is free from worry.  At the very moment I return my thoughts to my own burdens, I begin to trust myself and not my Savior who wants to provide abundantly more than I can ask, think or imagine.  We've all seen cute pictures with the saying "give your worries to God, he's up all night anyway," why not give them to Him for the other 16 hours?

"Praise be to The Lord, to God our Savior, who bears our burdens." Psalm 68:19

I will endeavor to be a Complete Truster, not just a Sleep Truster, and purposely turn my thoughts toward God my Savior, and away from my burdens.  After all, He's up all of the time!

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