Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Success Part Deaux

In a previous post, we defined success as "the complete realization of a worthy goal" and I shared some of the areas for which I strive for Success. In this post, I want to talk about being a parent.

How hard is it to be a successful parent nowadays? For me, there are days when keeping my hands from locking around Josh's throat is a worthy goal, but obviously that's short lived and won't necessarily be measured in eternity (unless I actually go through with it I guess). But what will be measured is how I raise my son to honor, love, fear and reflect God. Remember - to be a Success, I have to have a goal, it must be worthy (i.e. world changing), and there must be complete realization. So daily, I have to ask myself:
  • Does Josh know who God is?
  • Does he know the sacrifice that Jesus made for him on the cross?
  • Has he accepted Jesus as his personal Lord and Savior?
  • Does he honor God in his speech, actions and relationships?
  • Does Josh feel safe, knowing that he has a mom who loves him unconditionally and a God who knows the count of every hair on his head?

It doesn't matter how many sacrifices I make to raise him, or how many times I fail, but what does matter is am I leading Josh to have a personal relationship with the risen Christ. In the end, this is all that will be measured. Will I be successful? His life depends on it!

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