Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Facts and Fire

I am really enjoying the 21 Day Fast reading plan (there are numerous Bible reading plans available online).  Something almost always stands out - something that God wants me to ponder.  Today's was in the Additional Content:  "What facts are you facing today that defy God's truth?  Take the facts to God...and believe with boldness that your God will be with you in the fire." 

The scripture in today's reading was Daniel 3 was about Shadrach, et al's stint in the blazing furnace.  They faced the fact that they were to seek their God and no other gods, no matter what the consequences - even if it meant being thrown into a fiery furnace.  The story is pretty remarkable - the fire was so hot that it killed guards that were standing outside the furnace!  But yet, Shadrach and his two buddies (I'm being lazy here - I don't want to misspell their names, but I'm too lazy to look them up - forgive me) came out of the furnace not even smelling like smoke!  WOW!

Fast forward to January 19, 2011 and Robyn Brinkley - there are several "facts" that I am facing today.  Thankfully, no fiery furnace (especially since fire is my biggest phobia).  But facts keep popping up that defy some things that God has called me to do.  In the past, I have allowed these "facts" to derail my commitment.  I have caved and lost confidence in my calling.  But God is calling me to believe with absolute boldness - the boldness of Shadrach - that my God will be with me in the fire, and in the end, I will step out and not even smell like smoke!

The kindling has been lit, the fire has been stoked, I'm in the furnace, and standing right next to me...Jesus himself!  Come on in and join me - It's warm in here!

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